"In a world where business continuity is now an integral part of everyday life, the Journal provides a holistic look across all industries at how others manage risk. The insights provided are thought provoking and very practical. During its years of publication, the Journal has grown from strength to strength in both its readership and quality and depth of the challenging articles."
Volume 3 (2017)
Each volume of Applied Marketing Analytics consists of four quarterly 100-page issues. The articles published so far in Volume 3 are:
Volume 3 Number 4
Editorial: New ventures and data: Challenges and opportunities
Edward M. Mazze, Professor of Business Administration, The University of Rhode Island -
Opinion Piece: From STP to PAR: Moving communication planning from the past to the future
Don E. Schultz, Professor Emeritus of Service, Medill School, Northwestern University -
Transforming marketing with artificial intelligence
Christi Olson, Head of Evangelism for Search, Microsoft and Jennifer Levy, Consultant with BlueHawk Consulting for Microsoft -
From programming to statistics to machine learning for marketing
Jim Sterne, Founder, eMetrics Summit -
Adaptive analytics: Surfacing the organic pulse of today’s consumers
Joseph Panzarella, Director of Analytics, DDB -
There is no personalisation without orchestration
David Hatch, Principal Consultant, Earley Information Science -
Data granularity enhancements in Google Analytics to better understand visitor behaviour
Fabio Piccigallo, Marketing Analytics Manager, Data Storytelling -
Using the six principles of neuromarketing to better understand changing markets
Francesco Gallucci, Vice President and Scientific Director and Caterina Garofalo, President, Italian Association of Neuromarketing (Ainem) -
The links between sales and retail distribution: An overview and case study of alcoholic beverages
Richard Friberg, Professor of Economics and Mark Sanctuary, Wallander Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Stockholm School of Economics -
Refining online consumer search into an opportunity
Babur De los Santos, Assistant Professor of Economics and Lura Forcum, Assistant Professor of Marketing, Clemson University’s College of Business -
Book Review: Creating a Data-Driven Enterprise with DataOps: Insights from Facebook, Uber, LinkedIn, Twitter, and eBay
Reviewed by Christopher Hogan, Founder, Clearly Analytics
Volume 3 Number 3
Editorial: Metrics - What I thought it meant was…
Gordon Farquharson, Director of Analytics, more2 -
Opinion piece: The marketing performance credibility gap: The growing importance of developing financially credible measures of the contribution of marketing to enterprise value, profits and growth
Bruce H. Rogers, Chief Insights Officer and Head of the CMO Practice, Forbes Media -
More than science fiction: Using artificial intelligence and machine-learning techniques to supercharge your marketing
Korey Thurber, Chief Data and Analytics Officer, Harte Hanks -
Marketing performance management: How best-in-class marketing organisations prove marketing’s value
Laura Patterson, President, VisionEdge Marketing, Patrick Kilgore, Director of Marketing, Hive9 and Rick Miller, Client Development Director, Valid USA -
The case for multi-touch attribution in the age of people-based marketing: Why it matters (and why it is hard)
Greg Stuart, Global CEO, Mobile Marketing Association, Joel Rubinson, President, Rubinson Partners, and Vassilis Bakopoulos, Vice President, Insights and Research, Mobile Marketing Association -
A tactical guide to implementing a custom event strategy for mobile apps and games
Andrew Pearlman, Product Director, Adrenalytics -
How machine learning is developing to get more insight from complex voice-of-customer data
Nigel Howlett, Managing Director, International, Epsilon and Advisor, Warwick Analytics -
Gains: An R package for gains tables and lift charts
Craig A. Rolling, Assistant Professor of Biostatistics, Saint Louis University -
Exploring the effect of weather targeting on online advertising effectiveness: A field experiment
Felix Rafael Maria Weißmüller, Research Assistant and Fabian Peter Walter Schrempf, Research Assistant, Institute for Market-based Management, Munich School of Management, and Stefan Bornemann, Chief Operating Officer, wetter.com
Volume 3 Number 2
Jeff Doak, VP of Analytics Innovation, GTB -
Marketing technologies, customer data and analytics: Enabling responsive customer journeys and scalable marketing processes
Jonathan Copulsky, Lecturer, Northwestern University, Shawn Richardson, U.S. Market Development Technology Leader & Michael Simone, Senior Manager, Digital & Social Analytics, Deloitte -
Building a successful marketing analytics organisation
John Young, Chief Analytics Officer, Epsilon -
The emerging role of the chief analytics officer and its implications for consumer-driven businesses
Manikantan Aryapadi, Principal and Rohan Moitra, Manager, Consumer Products & Retail Practice, A.T. Kearney -
Vigilant marketing: Catching fleeting opportunities for growth spurts
Dominique M. Hanssens, Distinguished Research Professor of Marketing, UCLA Anderson School of Management, Fang Wang, Associate Professor of Marketing, Lazaridis School of Business & Economics, Wilfrid Laurier University & Xiao-Ping Zhang, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University -
Analytic transformation: How to profit from a data deluge
Jacques Bughin, Senior Partner and Gloria Macias-Lizaso, Partner, McKinsey & Company -
Using multi-armed bandit experimentation to optimise multichannel digital marketing campaigns
Ian Thomas, Principal Group Program Manager, Microsoft -
Bridging the talent gap: Three steps to staying competitive through analytics
Carrie Bolton, Head of Client and Digital Analytics, Vanguard Investment Group -
Generating business-to-business leads: How to reach the people behind the logo
Andrea Ahlemeyer-Stubbe, Director Strategic Analytics and Agnes Müller, Senior Analytical Consultant, Hacker Agency München GmbH -
Brand segmentation using implicit brand measures
Marco Vriens, CEO, Kwantum Analytics LLC, Alessandro Martins Alves, Analytics Lead, Ipsos Brazil and Song Chenis, Assistant Professor at University of Wisconsin - La Crosse -
Book review - Neuro Design: Neuromarketing Insights to Boost Engagement and Profitability by Darren Bridger
Caroline van den Bos, Head of Insight and Performance Measurement, Prudential
Volume 3 Number 1
Leandro DalleMule, Chief Data Officer, AIG -
Comment: How people-centred research can re-vitalise the research industry
Andy Buckley, Research Strategy Director, Join the Dots -
Converting analytics into management actions
Steve Wills, Founder, Insight Management Academy and James Wycherely, Former Director of Customer Insight and Analysis, Barclays Bank -
A data structure for customer insights
Jim Porzak, Founder, DS4CI.org -
Transforming data into impact
Alexander Skorka, COO, Dapresy Group -
The new advanced TV meter: More precise and faster audience behaviour data and ad effectiveness insights
Daniel Tjondronegoro, Co-Founder & Managing Partner, Beatgrid Media -
Panel regression (cross sectional-time series) in same store sales analysis
Mike Grigsby, VP Retail Strategic Business Analytics, Targetbase -
Leveraging marketing analytics to improve firm performance: Insights from implementation
V. Kumar, Regents Professor, Richard and Susan Lenny Distinguished Chair & Professor of Marketing, Executive Director, Center for Excellence in Brand & Customer Management, and Director of the Ph.D. Program in Marketing, J. Mack Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University and Amalesh Sharma, Assistant Professor of Marketing at the Mays Business School -
Bayesian confirmatory analysis of multiple response data
Mauricio Ferreira, Chief Methodologist Officer, Hypothesis Group, Peter Congdon, Research Professor, Queen Mary University of London and Yancy Edwards, Visiting Associate Professor of Marketing, USF Sarasota-Manatee