Each volume of Journal of Cultural Marketing Strategy consists of two biannual issues, published in print and online.
The articles published in Volume 9 are listed below.
Volume 9 Number 1
Editorial Jake Beniflah, Founding Editor
Practice Papers Addicted to pixels: Is pornography linked to the global depopulation crisis? Kenneth W. Gronbach, KGC Direct
This opinion paper explores the urgent global issue of depopulation, emphasising its potential to reshape societies and economies. The paper argues that the majority of countries are already experiencing fertility rates below the replacement level, and the consequences of this trend will become severe in the coming decades. Through case studies of China and Japan, the paper demonstrates the economic and societal impacts of declining populations, such as shrinking workforces, consumers and aging populations. The paper posits that global depopulation is driven by the increasing prevalence of online pornography, which has altered human sexual behaviour and reduced procreation. While other explanations, such as financial concerns and societal anxiety, are often cited, the paper suggests that technology is providing an alternative to traditional mating, with significant repercussions for global economies. The paper concludes that depopulation should be taken seriously as a critical challenge for the future. Keywords: depopulation; fertility; births; generations; labour; consumers; immigration; abortion
Inflationary realities: Lessons from Iran’s inflationary experience for the Western consumers Mohammad Habibi, California State University
In response to the recessions of 2008 and 2020, governments and central banks injected massive amounts of liquidity into their respective economies. The subsequent monetary devaluation resulted in a number of developed nations experiencing their highest inflation levels for 40 years, with many consumers living through double-digit inflation for the first time. Although monetary authorities claim to have inflation under control, high chronic inflation nonetheless remains a possibility. This paper considers the case of Iran, a country with chronic high inflation, and through a qualitative study explores the experience of consumers and their adaptive strategies in such economic circumstances. For Western consumers, businesses and policy makers, it will be illuminating to grasp the impact and consequences of failed monetary policies and ongoing inflation on consumers’ lives and society at large. Keywords: inflation; consumer; experience; behaviour; adaptation; cross-cultural
Unravelling influencer power: Analysing the impact of digital influencers on the purchase intentions of Indonesian football fans Yoseph Benny Kusuma, Brawijaya University, et al.
This paper examines factors influencing intentions to purchase football club merchandise, emphasising the roles of digital influencers and subjective norms. A quantitative approach was employed, gathering data from online questionnaires within Indonesian football communities. The results reveal that product attributes positively impact purchase intentions, while attitude mediates the relationship between product attributes and intentions. Digital influencers are found to significantly influence intentions, partially mediated by subjective norms. The findings offer valuable insights for football club marketing strategies, highlighting the powerful role of digital influencers. Limitations include data collection during the COVID-19 pandemic and a predominantly male respondent base. Future research could diversify samples and explore purchase intentions in different sports and merchandise categories. Overall, this paper contributes to understanding the factors shaping purchase intentions and emphasises the significance of digital influencers in consumer behaviour. Keywords: purchase intentions; football club merchandise; product attributes; attitude; digital influencers; subjective norms; marketing strategies.
The interplay of parasocial interaction, source credibility and homophily for influencer marketing success in the Middle East Malak Al-Ahmad, Christian Rudeloff, and Johann Bronstein, Professor of Business Management, Macromedia University of Applied Science
While there are many studies on social media influencers, research that considers cultural contexts is rare. This paper aims to fill this research gap by analysing the success factors of influencer marketing in the unique environment of women in the Middle Eastern beauty market. Data were collected via an online survey (n = 892). Partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-PM) was conducted to test hypotheses. The findings reveal significant positive relationships between parasocial interaction and purchase intention, indicating that Middle Eastern women who engage in parasocial interaction with influencers demonstrate a higher intention to purchase. The results also support direct positive effects of perceived source credibility and homophily on purchase intention. Furthermore, source credibility moderates the relationship between parasocial interaction and purchase intention. This paper presents theoretical and practical implications which have been derived from the study. Keywords: parasocial interaction; source credibility; homophily; Middle East; beauty industry; influencer marketing
Cultural sensitivity in consumer goods and marketing: A mixed methods exploration Rebekah Lassiter, Wake Forest University, et al.
Cultural insensitivity (ie improper response to cultural traditions and styles) has increased with globalisation and intercultural contact. At the same time, little is understood about when and how cultural insensitivity might be perceived, especially within everyday contexts. To assess this, two cohorts of young adults (Cohort 1: n = 100, 69 per cent white, 59 per cent male; Cohort 2: n = 167, 65 per cent white, 48 per cent male) were presented with real-world images and situations that could be viewed as culturally insensitive. Cohort 2 participants were also asked about their opinions on companies changing their marketing strategies to address perceived cultural insensitivities. Quantitative and qualitative responses reflected a range of opinions. Our study suggests that young adults who perceived marketing changes to be appropriate were also more likely to perceive cultural insensitivities across scenarios, suggesting a general consciousness of cultural ideology. Women, also, identified all the given scenarios as more culturally insensitive than did men. This paper builds insight into how young adults respond to and reason about culturally relevant concerns, which has implications for contemporary rhetoric around positive and negative views of political correctness. Considering the global nature of cultural insensitivity, more widespread examinations of its processes, in other societies, is essential. Additionally, the need for increased awareness and critical cognisance of cultural sensitivity is vital to guide everyday interactions with others. Keywords: culture; appropriation; insensitivity; politically correct; young adults
Paying for culture: Cultural factors in local speciality product packaging’s effect on buying behaviour Songyong Hu and Zhiqiang Cong, Krirk University
This paper explores the influence path and effect of cultural factors in local speciality product packaging on buying behaviour from the perspective of consumers. The research in this paper can help with the development of speciality product packaging design strategies and drive sales of speciality products. The model uses the five cultural factors of local speciality packaging as independent variables, the consumption motivation of consumers as intermediary variables, and the buying behaviour as the dependent variable. This study collected a sample of 248 respondents. Data were analysed by SPSS and AMOS software. To ensure the reliability of the questionnaire scale, the path relationship among variables was measured through the model. The research results show that the cultural factors of speciality product packaging have an impact on buying behaviour through consumption motivation, but the impact paths and effects are not the same. Of the various factors, the cultural graphic elements of packaging have the most obvious impact on purchase behaviour. The findings indicate that designers should pay more attention to cultural graphic elements in the packaging design of local specialties, while marketers should focus on promoting the cultural and social attributes of speciality product packaging. This will better satisfy consumers’ consumption psychology and drive buying behaviour. Keywords: local speciality product; packaging design; cultural factors; consumption motivations; buying behaviour
How artificial intelligence is transforming social media marketing: Analysing its potential and addressing concerns Animesh Kumar Sharma and Rahul Sharma, Mittal School of Business, Lovely Professional University
Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionised social media marketing, offering both significant advantages and potential drawbacks. This paper delves into the dual facets of AI-driven social media marketing techniques, investigating both their advantageous and detrimental impacts. It shows that by leveraging AI, businesses can achieve unprecedented levels of personalisation, engagement and efficiency in their marketing strategies, leading to enhanced customer experiences and increased brand loyalty. AI algorithms analyse vast amounts of data to identify trends and predict consumer behaviour, enabling precise targeting and optimised advertising spend. The paper utilises a qualitative research method to explore the AI-driven social media marketing techniques used by digital marketing and social media marketing professionals. The findings suggest that reliance on AI may perpetuate biases embedded in the training data, leading to ethical concerns and a loss of trust among consumers. This paper highlights the need for robust regulatory frameworks and ethical guidelines to mitigate risks while harnessing the full potential of AI in social media marketing. Ultimately, understanding both the bright and dark sides of AI-driven marketing is crucial for developing strategies that are not only effective but also ethical and sustainable. Keywords: social media marketing; social media marketing techniques; artificial intelligence; machine learning; advantages; drawbacks
Ruonan Zhang, Visiting Assistant Professor, Rollins College, Nicky Chang Bi, Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska, Papaa Kodzi, Undergraduate, Alana Goodwin, Undergraduate, Klaudia Wasilewski, Undergraduate and Eiko McCurdy, Undergraduate, Rollins
Ruonan Zhang, Visiting Assistant Professor, Rollins College, Nicky Chang Bi, Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska, Papaa Kodzi, Undergraduate, Alana Goodwin, Undergraduate, Klaudia Wasilewski, Undergraduate and Eiko McCurdy, Undergraduate, Rollins