“I find the content of Journal of Business Continuity & Emergency Planning to be up to date, easy to follow, and applicable to the professional in the field, the student in the class, and the academic. This journal offers a mix of articles from many disciplines in a manner that allows the professional to utilise the data immediately. I have personally used material from this journal on multiple occasions, both in my academic and professional endeavours.”
Volume 8 (2014-15)
Each volume of Journal of Business Continuity & Emergency Planning consists of four quarterly 100-page issues. The articles published in Volume 8 were:
Volume 8 Number 4
Is there a business continuity plan for emergencies like an Ebola outbreak or other pandemics?
Nirmal Kandel, Medical Officer for Preparedness, Surveillance and Response, World Health Organization -
Business continuity management into operational risk management: Assimilation is imminent… resistance is futile!
Dan Bailey, VP, Risk & Information, Security Officer, LegacyTexas Bank -
Integrating business continuity, emergency preparedness and emergency response: How these develop a comprehensive integrated programme
Julia Halsne, Business Continuity Manager, East Bay Municipal Utility District -
‘An abundance of caution’ and Ebola in the US Healthcare System: What is the new normal?
Randy D. Kearns, Clinical Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, University of North Carolina (retired) and Larry E. Leaming, CEO, Roosevelt General Hospital -
The UK water crisis: What actions the government and private sector need to take
Emmeline Skelton, Member, Performance Assurance Practice, PwC -
Healthcare system resiliency: The case for taking disaster plans further — Part 2
Michael Hiller, Corporate Business Continuity Manager, Eric Bone, Director, Provincial Operations, Emergency/Disaster Management, Alberta Heath Services, Michael L. Timmins, IT Disaster Recovery Specialist, Enbridge Pipelines -
Intentional cargo disruption: Examining threats, systemic vulnerabilities and securitisation measures in complex global supply chains
Conor McGreevy, Resilience Consultant, Atkins and Wayne Harrop, Centre for Disaster Management & Hazard Research, Coventry University -
Measuring the influence of industry sector membership on supply chain disruption reporting
Patrick Alcantara, Research Associate, Business Continuity Institute
Volume 8 Number 3
Lyndon Bird, Technical Director, Business Continuity Institute -
Assessing surge capacity expansion plan awareness and attitudes
Stewart Smith, Chief of Staff, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Health Service Corps, Department of Homeland Security, Suzanne Coleman, Network Director, Innovation Center, Kettering Health Network, Mark Johannsson, Senior Compliance Officer and Privacy Steward, CIGNA Onsite Health, Noelle Gallant, Senior Associate and Joseph Albanese, Radiation Biodosimetrist, Yale New Haven Health System Center for Healthcare Solutions -
A business continuity management risk index
Michael Kadar, Corporate Business Continuity Coordinator, DTE Energy -
Healthcare system resiliency: The case for taking disaster plans further: Part 1
Michael L. Timmins, Business Continuity Officer, Eric Bone, Director, Provincial Operations, Emergency/Disaster Management and Michael Hiller, Business Continuity Manager, Alberta Health Services -
The resilience web: Interconnections, links and traps
Phillip Wood, Head of Security, Resilience and Computing, Buckinghamshire New University -
Stakeholders' experiences with hospital emergency preparedness: Part 2
Nicholas Cagliuso, AVP, Emergency Management, New York City Health and Hospitals -
Achieving enhanced organisational resilience: Summary of research into the principles of resilience and the practices of resilient organisations
Paul Hopkin, Technical Director, Airmic
Volume 8 Number 2
Learning from high-profile disasters: Why do they keep happening and how do we overcome a reluctance to learn from ‘near misses’?
Gillies Crichton, Head of Assurance, Glasgow Airport -
Busting myths and building resilience: Practices and approaches that go beyond mere plan development
Mark Armour, Director, Global Business Continuity, Brink’s -
When a drip becomes a flood: Lessons learned from Target’s first large-scale business disruption
Kim Hirsch, Senior Business Partner, Business Continuity Management, Target -
Interactive dependencies curves for resilience management
Frederic Petit, Principal Infrastructure Analyst, Argonne National Laboratory -
Clinical guidelines for responding to CBRN and trauma/burn mass casualty incidents: Quick reference guides for emergency department staff
Joseph Albanese, Yale New Haven Health Center for Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response -
Stakeholders' experiences with hospital emergency preparedness: Part 1
Nicholas Cagliuso, AVP, Emergency Management, New York City Health and Hospitals -
The impact of communication on human behaviour in times of crisis
Andrew MacLeod, Director, Needhams -
Business continuity v2014: From traditional to integrated business continuity management
Henry Ee, Managing Director, Business Continuity Planning Asia
Volume 8 Number 1
Engaging an army of planners: An eBay case study
Scott Baldwin, Enterprise Resiliency Tools Architect, eBay -
Who should foot the bill for emergency management: Local or central government?
Daniel Hahn, Emergency Management Plans Chief, Santa Rosa County, Florida -
Business resiliency and stakeholder management
Noel Carey, Business Continuity & Resiliency Consultant and Tony Perry, Practice Leader, Business Continuity and Resiliency Services Consulting Team, IBM -
Applying business intelligence innovations to emergency management
Jeff Schlegelmilch, Manager, International & Non-Healthcare Business Sectors, Yale New Haven Health Center for Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response -
Rethinking business continuity: Emerging trends in the profession and the manager’s role
Regina Phelps, CEO and Founder, Emergency Management & Safety Solutions -
Measuring business continuity programmes in large organisations
Chris Green, Chris Green CCS -
Is emergency management an integrated element of business continuity management? A case study
Kenny Frohde, Former Intelligence Officer, Swedish Armed Forces, and David J. Brooks, Senior Lecturer in Security Science, Edith Cowan University -
The practical application of ISO 22301
Brian Zawada, Director of Consulting, Avalution, Vice President and Executive Director, Business Continuity Institute -
Bayesian belief networks in business continuity
Frank Phillipson, Consultant, Edwin Matthijssen, Technical Consultant/Project Manager and Thomas Attema, Innovator, The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research