“Journal of Digital and Social Media Marketing provides a unique blend of practitioner and academic expertise to offer the reader an in-depth understanding of digital marketing case studies and authoritative opinion. Each article passes a peer-review prior to publication, by leaders in the industry from around the globe, ensuring the reader gets the best-of-the-best in digital marketing insights.”
Volume 13 (2019-20)
Each volume of Journal of Business Continuity & Emergency Planning consists of four quarterly 100-page issues. The articles and case studies confirmed for publication in Volume 13 are listed below.
Volume 13 Number 4
Lyndon Bird, Editor -
Novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak: Now is the time to refresh pandemic plans
Lisa M. Koonin, Founder and Principal, Health Preparedness Partners, LLC -
Building an organisational resilience maturity framework
Aaron Gracey, Managing Director, Squared Apples -
What lessons learned can we use from Ebola outbreaks in Western Africa 2014 and Democratic Republic of Congo 2018/19 to improve international response?
Michael Owens, Emergency Physician, Naval Medical Center Portsmouth -
Prepare for recovery: Approaches for psychosocial response and recovery
Ken Hoffer and Tobi Martin, Registered psychologist, Alberta Health Services -
Tooling for optimal resilience
Gert Kogenhop, Founder, bcm+ -
Understanding the roles and responsibilities of the US Coast Guard during a federally declared disaster
Carolyn Moberley, Deputy Commander of the National Strike Force and Executive Officer of the National Strike Force Coordination Center, US Coast Guard, Kelly Thorkilson, Commanding Officer, Charles Clark, Air Operations Officer and Aaron McClellan, Logistics Department Head, Coast Guard Incident Management Assist Team -
Disaster housing: Lessons learned from Hurricane Harvey
Christa López, Deputy Director for Operations and Chief of Staff, Community Development and Revitalization, and Colin L. Nickells, Management Analyst, Community Development and Revitalization, Texas General Land Office -
Ready, set, bake: Using the ‘Great British Bake Off’ to develop important lessons in incidence response
Kerry Anderson, Cyber security and risk management professional
Volume 13 Number 3
Lyndon Bird, Editor -
Full speed ahead: Navigating the complexities of corporate emergency management
Vincent B. Davis, Founder and President, Preparedness Matters Disaster Consulting -
Framing business continuity to achieve lasting focus
Brian Zawada, Co-founder, Managing Director and Chief Visionary Officer and Morgan Perry, Managing Consultant, Avalution Consulting -
A mindfulness toolkit to optimise incident management and business continuity exercises
Karina de Allicon, Fulbright Scholar, Manager of Business Continuity and Enterprise Risk, Edwards Lifesciences -
Airport emergency management: The art of strict rules and flexible minds
Roni Tidhar, Head of International Consulting Services — Commercial Branch, Israel Airports Authority -
Corporate self-sufficiency during disasters
Bobby Cook, Consultant to Corporations And Governments, CDEX International -
Why and how to implement an incident command system in business continuity management
Jeanne D. Powell, CEO and President, DAHR Consulting -
The competing pressures paradigm: A tool for improving emergency and continuity planning efficacy?
Tony McAleavy, Assistant Professor in Fire and Emergency Management, Oklahoma State University -
Disaster recovery after Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico: Assessment using Endsley’s three-level model of situational awareness
Michael Naor, Lecturer, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Efraim Laor, Chairman, National Steering Committee for Disaster Reduction and National Inter-ministerial Committee for Earthquake Preparedness
Volume 13 Number 2
Lyndon Bird, Editor -
Business continuity management as an operational risk service provider: An approach to organisational resilience
Scott Baldwin, Director of Enterprise Resiliency, Symantec -
Improving the resilience of drinking water and wastewater utilities and emergency management agencies through collaboration
Kim Parsons Anderson, Emergency Manager, City of Portland Water Bureau and Lauren Wisniewski, Environmental Engineer, US Environmental Protection Agency -
Cloud, co-location, on-premises and hybrid disaster recovery solutions: A cost comparison
Frank Trovato, Research Director, Andrew Sharp, Senior Research Analyst and Teodora Siman, Research Analyst, Info-Tech Research Group -
Nothing about us, without us: An inclusive preparedness programme for the whole community from inception to sustainment
Karla Black, Emergency Preparedness Coordinator and Patricia Draper, Emergency Preparedness Specialist, Kent County Health Department -
Leveraging disaster recovery in the cloud as a cloud migration path: A case study
Cary Jasgur, Consulting Manager, Mazars USA -
Rethinking bomb threat response
Jennifer Hesterman, Vice President, Watermark Risk Management International -
Assessing the KING IV Corporate Governance Report in relation to business continuity and resilience
Clifford S. Ferguson, Director of Strategy and Policy, South African Government Pensions Administration Agency -
Hurricane preparedness, response and recovery: Is everybody ready?
Anthony Hurley, Managing Director, Witt O’Brien’s
Volume 13 Number 1
Lyndon Bird, Editor -
Preparedness planning and response to a mass-casualty incident: A case study of Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Claudia Cocco, Emergency Preparedness Coordinator and Will Thomas-Boaz, Advanced Practice Nurse, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre -
Assessing the resilience of an IT portfolio
Matthew Ricks, Senior Director of IT Facilities Management and Business Continuity Management and Lucrecia Boswell, Manager of Hosting Services and Asset Management, Stanford University -
The New Zealand Parliamentary Counsel Office’s response to the 2016 Kaikōura earthquakes: A case study
Linda-Jane Richan, Business Continuity, Emergency Management and Protective Security Adviser, Parliamentary Counsel Office in Wellington, New Zealand -
Choosing a designated survivor
Julia Halsne, Manager of Business Continuity, East Bay Municipal Utility District -
Accessibility of Metro Vancouver fire-fighters following a damaging earthquake: A case study
Stephen Traviss, Director of Human Resources, City of Port Coquitlam -
Protection of office buildings and spaces: A balanced approach to perception of terrorism risk in the common workspace
Donald Meyerhoff, Adjunct Professor, School of Security and Global Studies, American Military University; Branch Chief, United States Mint -
Leadership of first-responders following trauma
Cameron Kowalski, Director of Emergency Management, Safety and Security, Great Canadian Railtour Company