"Written by and for the professional, it provides me with the kind of practical, real-use cases I can apply in my job."
"Written by and for the professional, it provides me with the kind of practical, real-use cases I can apply in my job."
"Time is a very precious commodity to all industry practitioners in operations and making time in a busy schedule to attend seminars and market events is extremely difficult. This journal brings thought-provoking articles and peer opinions to your desk and enables the time-constrained practitioner to gain an insight into market issues covering a wide range of topics. There are only a few journals with an operational focus; being peer reviewed ensures it has relevance and worth reading."
"Journal of Business Continuity & Emergency Planning fills a significant dearth in the peer-reviewed, international perspective emergency management literature."
“We want to create a space where data protection professionals across the world feel connected through the Journal of Data Protection & Privacy and our specialist interest group on LinkedIn. I also want to reach out and engage with the next generation of leaders in our profession and actively encourage them to share their knowledge and understanding of the subject for the benefit of our expanding – and highly influential – community across the world.”
“The new thinking which this journal encourages is amazing.”
"Journal of Digital Media Management is the premier forum for professional and relevant discourse in digital media and content management featuring pertinent, credible and disciplined peer-review articles."
“Protecting the information that customers have entrusted organisations with is one of the key challenges faced by many industries and needs to addressed by well trained, well informed and qualified professionals that have a deep understanding of the issues. The independent Journal of Data Protection & Privacy is a fantastic source of the most up to date thinking and best practise and should be a ‘must read’ for DP professionals….”
"My ambition for the Journal of Data Protection & Privacy is for it to further develop the foundations, tools and methodologies for Privacy by Design, and to help getting them applied in practice."
"Airports are complex businesses and the demands they face – from meeting targets for growth while ensuring environmental compliance; from safety and security to keeping consumers satisfied – are becoming increasingly complex. Journal of Airport Management will brief you with some of the most insightful new thinking and latest best practice to help your airport stay ahead of the competition."