"A valuable source of structured thinking for risk professionals throughout the financial sector. It enables risk teams to keep up to date with the latest analysis across all risk types and encourages cooperation and debate."
Volume 10 (2016)
Each volume of Journal of Payments Strategy & Systems consists of four quarterly 100-page issues. The articles published in Volume 10 are:
Volume 10 Number 4 (Winter 2016)
Special issue: Retail payments in Latin America and Spain
Editorial: Recent developments and issues in retail payments in Latin America and Spain
Joaquin Bernal, Central Bank of Colombia -
The recent law on e-money and financial inclusion in Colombia and the regulatory role of the central bank
Joaquin Bernal, Central Bank of Colombia -
Moral suasion and legal enforcement in the reform of retail payments in Brazil
Breno Santana Lobo, Central Bank of Brazil -
Retail payments innovations in Peru: Modelo Peru and financial inclusion
Milton Vega Bernal, Central Bank of Peru -
I want it and I want it now! An initial approach to the Spanish instant payments solution
Francisco Linares, Banco de España -
Factors impeding the use of electronic payment instruments in emerging economies: The case of Colombia
Carlos A. Arango-Arango and Nicolás F. Suárez-Ariza, Central Bank of Colombia -
Identity and verification in the digital age: Where we are today and what
the future could hold
David Poole, MYPINPAD -
Faster payments systems gaining speed in the USA: Expanding scope of services
Laura Listwan and Adam Kruis, US Bank -
Success factors for the deployment of financial technology: An interview with Eric Mouilleron
Diederik Bruggink, Bruggink Consultancy and Eric Mouilleron, Bankable
Volume 10 Number 3 (Autumn 2016)
Alec Nacamuli, IBM -
The Turkish payment market and its specifics: An interview with Soner Canko
Diederik Bruggink, Bruggink Consultancy & Soner Canko, Bankalararasi Kart Merkezi - Papers
Request for payment: Building block for payments transformation
Steve Ledford & Michael J. Thomas, The Clearing House -
Cashless society — really?
Eric de Putter, PAYMINT AG -
Paying in 2025: Scenarios for payment systems in Germany in 2025
Gerd Cimiotti & Christina Nadine Dahl, SRC Security Research & Consulting -
Digital privacy: A conceptual framework for business
James C. Rice, MoneyGram International & Fiona Sussan, University of Phoenix -
Real-time retail payments systems or faster payments: A quick framework for decision making
Mahadevan Balakrishnan, World Bank -
Unified Payments Interface in India: Revolution in the making
A. P. Hota, National Payments Corporation of India -
Payments systems trends in Japan: Blueprints for the next-generation Zengin system
Eiichiro Yanagawa, Celent -
Exploring the use of digital currencies as a form of payment in Barbados
Anthony Wood, University of the West Indies & Runako Brathwaite, Central Bank of Barbados
Volume 10 Number 2 (Summer 2016)
Special issue: Shared ledger technologies and opportunities
Dave Birch, Director of Innovation, Consult Hyperion - Papers: Shared Ledger Techologies and Opportunities
Towards ambient accountability in financial services: Shared ledgers, translucent transactions and the technological legacy of the great financial crisis
David Birch, Director of Innovation, Consult Hyperion, Richard G. Brown, Head of Technology, R3CEV & Salome Parulava, Consultant, Consult Hyperion -
Virtual currencies and distributed ledger technology: What is new under the sun and what is hyped repackaging?
Harry Leinonen, PSS-Consultancy -
Towards a framework for the evaluation and design of distributed ledger technologies in banking and payments
Jürgen Bott, Professor of Finance Management, University of Applied Sciences in Kaiserslautern & Udo Milkau, Head of Strategy and Market Development, DZ BANK -
Payment and exchange transactions in shared ledgers
Gideon Greenspan, Founder and CEO, Coin Sciences Ltd. - Papers: Payments Strategy & Systems
Directions in the development of the payment service market
Tamerlan H. Rustamov, Senior specialist, Payment Systems and Settlements Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan -
The emergence of virtual card payments: Data highlights changes in North American commercial payment practices
Mahendra Gupta, Virgil Professor of Accounting and Management, Olin Business School at Washington University in St Louis, Richard J. Palmer, Professor of accounting and Copper Dome Faculty Research Fellow, Southeast Missouri State University, James Brandt, Senior research analyst, RPMG Research Corporation & Nathan Palmer, Senior Research Analyst, RPMG Research Corporation -
Lowering the cost of doing business in Africa: Leveraging the COMESA Regional Payments
David Froud, SkyParlour, George Wilson Ssonko, Principal Economist, Bank of Uganda and David Humphrey, Department of Finance, Florida State University -
Developing a new model for cost-effective direct access to Faster Payments
Craig Tillotson, Chief Executive, Faster Payments Scheme Limited
Volume 10 Number 1
Editorial: Digital financial inclusion
Alec Nacamuli, Editor - Interview
How FinTech is transforming the way money moves around the world: An interview with Mike Laven
Diederik Bruggink, Bruggink Consultancy - Papers
PSD2: The digital transformation accelerator for banks
Mounaim Cortet, Tom Rijks and Shikko Nijland, Innopay -
Bitcoin’s potential for going mainstream
Safari Kasiyanto, Tilburg University -
Intraday risk management: It is about more than just liquidity
Ashley Dowson, Chairman of The SEPA Consultancy -
Reducing card-not-present fraud using pre-approved transactions
Johan Pouwelse, Delft University of Technology and Diederik Bruggink, Bruggink Consultancy -
Integration and modernisation of retail payments in Europe: Barriers and challenges
Rui Pimentel, Bank of Portugal -
The payment system benefits of high reserve balances
James McAndrews and Alexander Kroeger, Federal Reserve Bank of New York -
From paper-based to electronic payments in the Pacific Islands: How and by how much would Tonga benefit in the transition process?
Holti Banka, University of Maryland, Carlo Corazza, World Bank and Balakrishnan Mahadevan, World Bank -
An assessment of the impact of self-service technology (SST) on firm performance: 96–112: A case study of bank in Zimbabwe (2009–13)
Reginald Mazana, University of Zimbabwe, Taurayi Rupere, University of Zimbabwe, and Gabriel Kabanda, Open University of Zimbabwe