"There is clear need for a quality journal of peer reviewed articles that surveyors and other property professionals can rely on to a greater standard than ordinary magazine articles or internet forums. Journal of Building Survey, Appraisal & Valuation provides that valuable information.”
Volume 10 (2016-17)
Each volume of Journal of Urban Regeneration & Renewal consists of four quarterly 100-page issues, published in print and online. The articles published so far in Volume 10 are:
Volume 10 Number 4
Andrew Tallon, Editor, Journal of Urban Regeneration & Renewal, University of the West of England -
A future of shared mobility
Paolo Santi, Research Scientist, MIT Senseable City Lab and Carlo Ratti, Director, MIT Senseable City Lab -
Tracking downtown investment: The case of Ithaca, New York
Gary Ferguson, Executive Director of the Downtown Ithaca Alliance and Jennifer Nerby, Graduate Student at Cornell University -
Business Improvement Districts: Catalysts for innovation and growth in uncertain times
Simon Pitkeathley, CEO, Camden Town Unlimited -
Navigating the Green Belt
David Bevan, Chartered Town Planner and a full member of the Royal Town Planning Institute -
Retail planning in Japan, implications for city centres
Carlos J. L. Balsas, Assistant Professor at SUNY — the University at Albany -
International property market-driven regeneration: a challenge to sustainable urban development?
Dr Claudia Trillo, University of Salford -
Light rail transit (LRT) and transit villages in Qatar: A planning strategy to revitalise the built environment of Doha
Dr Raffaello Furlan, Assistant Professor at Qatar University and Dr Neil Sipe, Professor at University of Queensland -
Forced eviction and demolition of slum: a case study of Makoko slum in Lagos, Nigeria
Emeka Amakihe, Aalto University -
Book review: The Past and Future City: How Historic Preservation is Reviving America’s Communities
Reviewed by Gareth Potts, Founder, The New Barn Raising
Volume 10 Number 3
Editorial: Priorities for new metro mayors in the UK
Andrew Tallon, Editor, Journal of Urban Regeneration & Renewal, University of the West of England -
Analysing ‘Brexit’: Opportunities and challenges for economic growth
Andy Rumfitt, Senior Director, AECOM’s Economic Development and Regeneration practice -
The Danish Renovation Award: Background, concept and experiences
Lars Axelsen, Managing Director, Søren Meyer, Head of Project Development and Bo Bjerre Hansen, Communications Consultant, Danish Landowners Investment Foundation -
Detroit: Part 3 — Two years on
Margaret A. Leary, freelance writer and Librarian Emerita of the University of Michigan Law School and Betsy Jackson, President of The Urban Agenda -
The impacts of e-commerce on the high street: Nascent responses in Germany
Jennifer Gerend, post doctoral researcher, The Governance and Sustainability Lab, Trier University -
Evaluation of the brownfield regeneration process: Case study of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ajla Gegic, Master student, Erna Husukic, Professor, Department of Architecture, International Burch University, Sarajevo -
The process of urban regeneration in Budapest: Approaching 2030
Assunta Martone, Researcher, Marichela Sepe, Researcher in urban planning, Maria Immacolata Simeon, Senior Researcher and Project Manager, IRISS-CNR -
Urban regeneration through arts and culture: The case of a multicultural neighbourhood in a medium-sized Italian city
Paolo Rizzi, Professor of Political Economy, Ilaria Dioli, researcher, Paola Graziano, researcher, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Piacenza and Cheryl Bradbee, adjunct professor, Ryerson University -
Book review: Sustainable regeneration of former military sites
Reviewed by Camerin Federico, City planner and Fellow Researcher in Urban Planning, Department of Design and Planning in Complex Environments, IUAV University of Venice -
Book review: Business and post-disaster management: Business, organisational and consumer resilience and the Christchurch earthquakes
Reviewed by Stephen Sully, Executive officer, Positioning, Brimbank Community & Civic Centre -
Book review: Building Futures: Managing energy in the built environment
Reviewed by Dr Dan Greenwood, Senior Lecturer in Politics, University of Westminster
Volume 10 Number 2
Editorial: Urban regeneration priorities for a new government
Andrew Tallon, Editor, Journal of Urban Regeneration & Renewal, University of the West of England -
Charting a path for cities in the Second Machine Age with or without the car: A focus on the human experience
Stephen J. Conschafter, Certified planner and urban designer, SmithGroup JJR -
Reinhabiting the town centre
Ian Davison Porter, Director, Business Improvement Districts Scotland and Diarmaid Lawlor, Director, Place with Architecture and Design Scotland -
Urban gardening to foster community places on brownfields
Dagmar Petríková, Associate Professor, Institute of Management of the Slovak University of Technology and Jana Szuhová, Business Innovation Centre Bratislava -
Community participation and sustainable investment in city projects: The Berlin Water Consumer Stock Ownership Plan
Jens Lowitzsch, Kelso Professor of Comparative Law, East European Business Law & European Legal Policy, European University, Viadrina -
Potentials and challenges of brownfield development for urban regeneration in Dhaka: The case of Hazaribagh tannery area
Nabanita Islam, Assistant professor, University of Asia Pacific, Dhaka. H and N. M. Esa Abrar Khan, Director, d.zignscape Consultants Ltd. -
Urban regeneration and urban fabrics in Australian cities
Giles Thomson, Curtin University, Peter Newton, Research Professor, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne and Peter Newman, Professor of Sustainability, Curtin University -
Framing the issue: Urban form’s impact on downtown redevelopment
Mathew Novak, Assistant Professor, Saint Mary’s University
Volume 10 Number 1
Editorial: Ten years in urban regeneration and ten years of Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal
Andrew Tallon, Editor, Journal of Urban Regeneration & Renewal, University of the West of England -
Housing in London: The potential of land owned by transport authorities
Richard de Cani, Director, Head of UKMEA Planning at Arup -
Crowdfunding regeneration: More than an alternative model of finance
Michelle Warbis, Qualitative Researcher in the Greater London Authority’s Opinion Research team -
Detroit: Part 2 — The grandest bargain
Margaret A. Leary, freelance writer and Librarian Emerita of the University of Michigan Law School and Betsy Jackson, President of The Urban Agenda -
Local economic growth and Local Enterprise Partnerships: A perspective from the UK National Audit Office
Aileen Murphie, Director of DCLG & Local Government Value for Money at the UK National Audit Office -
Branding Lagos through regeneration of historical physical features
Emeka Amakihe, member of the Finnish Society of Urban Planning -
'Temporary and temporality' : Public realm regeneration through temporary events
Ali Cheshmehzangi, urbanist and urban designer -
New approaches to growth planning on larger-than-local scales
Lee Pugalis, Professor of Urban Studies, University of Technology Sydney Alan Townsend, Nick Gray, doctoral researcher and Ania Ankowska, doctoral researcher and research associate at Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University -
Developing a conceptual framework for assessing the socio-economic benefits of regeneration projects in the UK
Julius Akotia, lecturer at the School of Civil Engineering and Construction, Kingston University, London, Alex Opoku, senior lecturer at the UCL Bartlett School of Construction & Project Management, Chris Fortune, Professor of Project Management at the Business and Management School, Glyndwr University, Wales and Charles Egbu, Professor of Construction Management and Dean of the School of Built Environment & Architecture, London South Bank University -
Book review: Neighbourhood as Refuge: Community Reconstruction, Place Remaking, and Environmental Justice in the City
Reviewed by Andy Inch, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon -
Book review: Capital Dilemma: Growth and Inequality in Washington, DC
Reviewed by Gareth Potts, Founder, The New Barn Raising -
Book review: Rebuilding the American City
Reviewed by Paul R. Levy, President & CEO, Center City District, Philadelphia, PA