"Journal of Payments Strategy and Systems provides a host of useful, actionable and informative articles and papers that demonstrate the extraordinary opportunities for improving the payments systems. These are written by subject matter experts: corporate practitioners; consultants; bankers; vendors and scholars. The variety of the topics and the points of view make this a must read, even for those who think they know all there is to know about payments."
Volume 1 (2007-08)
Each volume of Journal of Urban Regeneration & Renewal consists of four quarterly 100-page issues. The articles published in Volume 1 were:
Volume 1 Number 4
Guest Editorial
Juergen Bruns-Berentelg , Chief Executive Officer, HafenCity Hamburg -
Local asset backed vehicles: The potential for exponential growth as the delivery vehicle of choice for physical regeneration
George Grace, Partner and Andrew M. W. Ludiman, Partner, King Sturge -
Innovative methods for financing urban development: The European Union contribution
Mateu Turró, Associate Director, Urban Renewal and Urban Transport Projects, Projects Directorate, Gianni Carbonaro, Economic Adviser and Brian Field, Urban Planning and Development Adviser, JESSICA Task Force, European Investment Bank -
Globalisation: The opportunity for UK cities
Glenn Athey, Senior Economist and Paula Lucci, Researcher, Centre for Cities -
The introduction of Street Wardens as a social policy intervention in Britain targeting the regeneration of local communities: Theory and practice
Chih Hoong Sin, Principal, Office for Public Management -
Coordination or competition: Obstacles and success factors for integrated partnerships at local level
Liza Hopkins, Research Fellow and Denise Meredyth, Deputy Director, Institute for Social Research, Swinburne University -
Legal and regulatory update: Review of the Planning Bill
Amanda Beresford, Partner and Head, The Planning and Environment Group, Addleshaw Goddard -
Retail-led regeneration: Assessing the property outcomes
Cliff Guy, Professor, School of City and Regional Planning, Cardiff University -
Social housing and urban renewal: Current Dutch policy
Hugo Priemus, Professor, OTB Research Institute for Housing, Urban and Mobility Studies, Delft University of Technology
Volume 1 Number 3
Guest Editorial
Margaret Dewar, Professor of Urban & Regional Planning, Faculty Director, Ginsberg Center for Community Service & Learning, University of Michigan -
Every little hurts: Why partnering with chains will not work
Guy Rubin, Senior Researcher, Regeneration and Localism and John Taylor, former Director of Local Economies, The New Economics Foundation -
Large-scale mixed-use development and the UK planning system: Does it fit, and will the Planning White Paper assist?
Simon Ricketts, Partner and Duncan Field, Partner, Planning and Environment Group, SJ Berwin -
The dynamics of 'place-shaping': The changing rationale for urban regeneration
Paul Hildreth, Visiting Policy Fellow, Centre for Sustainable Urban and Regional Futures (SURF), Salford University, Adviser, Cities and Regional Economic Policy, Department of Communities and Local Government -
How businesses can contribute positively to local schools and communities
Shelley Aggarwal, Manager, Corporate Social Responsibility, KPMG -
Legal and regulatory update: The Bawtry case and contaminated land liability
Amanda Beresford, Partner and Head, The Planning and Environment Group, Addleshaw Goddard -
Hosting a sustainable visitor economy: Lessons from the regeneration of London's 'Banglatown'
Stephen J. Shaw, Director of Transport Research and Consultancy (TRaC), Cities Institute, London Metropolitan University -
The City Development Company model: The implications for economic development
Stuart Gulliver, Professor of City Development, University of Glasgow
Volume 1 Number 2
Guest Editorial
Richard Clark, Chief Executive Officer, Midland Heart -
Business investment in deprived areas: Creating the conditions
Patricia Seex, Economist, Centre for Cities -
A 2012 labour market legacy: The bigger picture
Tim Sydenham, Associate Director and Head of Strategy and Research, Experian Business Strategies -
Transport and urban regeneration
John Swanson, Associate, Andrew Davies, Associate and Danielle Czauderna, Senior Consultant, Steer Davies Gleave -
Putting employability in its place
Matthew Creighton, Jobs Strategy Officer, Capital City Partnership -
What happens when the funding runs out? Exploring the utility of 'exit strategies' for Australian housing regeneration programmes
Keith Jacobs, Senior Lecturer, University of Tasmania and Kathy Arthurson, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Social Research, Swinburne Institute of Technology -
Towards carbon-zero development
Amanda Beresford, Partner and Head, The Planning and Environment Group, Addleshaw Goddard -
Large-scale events and sustainable urban regeneration: Key principles for host cities
Andrew Smith, Senior Lecturer in Tourism, School of Architecture and the Built Environment, University of Westminster -
Skills needs for regeneration professionals
Sue Bagwell, Research Development Manager, Cities Institute, London Metropolitan University
Volume 1 Number 1
Guest Editorial
Sir Peter Hall, Bartlett Professor of Planning and Regeneration, UCL -
From 'chains' to partnerships? Supermarkets and regeneration
Gareth Potts, Director of Research and Policy, British Urban Regeneration Association -
Approaching regeneration in partnership: Models for private and public sector collaboration
Stephen Sorrell, Head, Regeneration and Development Legal Services and Kuljeet Hothi, Partner, Eversheds -
Bridging the gap: Delivering infrastructure investment in Britain's cities
Christopher Webber and Adam Marshall, Senior Researcher, Centre for Cities, Institute for Public Policy Research -
Density and value: How much development can a regeneration project support and still make good places? Answer: It all depends on the local context
Anthony Alexander, Director of Studies and Research and Andrew Morton, Senior Associate, Alan Baxter & Associates -
Linking neighbourhood regeneration to city-region growth: Why and how?
Ivan Turok, Professor of Urban Economic Development, University of Glasgow and Brian Robson, Director, Centre for Urban Policy Studies -
Legal and regulatory update: The Barker, Sage and Pascoe cases
Amanda Beresford, Partner and Head, The Planning and Environment Group, Addleshaw Goddard -
Tax increment financing: A property-based tool for local regeneration?
Rachel Weber, Associate Professor, Urban Planning and Policy Program and Laura Goddeeris, University of Illinois at Chicago -
Planning inclusive and sustainable urban regeneration: Balancing a visitor-based economy with local needs in the city of York, UK
John Forrester and Carolyn Snell, Stockholm Environment Institute