"Journal of Business Continuity & Emergency Planning fills a significant dearth in the peer-reviewed, international perspective emergency management literature."
Volume 10 (2017)
Each volume of Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions consists of four quarterly 100-page issues, published both in print and online. The articles published so far in JRMFI Volume 10 are:
Volume 10 Number 4
Editorial: The politics of risk: A reflection of volatility in 2017
Richard Wise, Editorial Board member, Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions -
Risk management for financial institutions in an age of populism
Douglas J. Elliott, Partner, Oliver Wyman -
Sketching a roadmap for systemic liquidity stress tests
Grzegorz Hałaj, financial stability expert, European Central Bank and Jérôme Henry, Principal adviser, European Central Bank -
Hedging the impact of climate change in the catastrophe space
Carolyn W. Chang, Department of Finance, California State University, Fullerton and Jack S.K. Chang, Department of Finance & Law, California State University, Los Angeles -
Improving finance and risk management foresight abilities: Growing past the ‘black swan’ mindset through integrative assessment
Guntram Fritz Albin Werther, Professor, Fox School of Business, Temple University -
Forecasting initial margin requirements: A model evaluation
Peter Caspers, senior quantitative analyst and developer, Paul Giltinan, Principal Consultant, Roland Lichters, Founding Partner & CTO and Nikolai Nowaczyk, Consultant, Quaternion Risk Management -
Smoothing transition probability matrices under a risk sensitive approach
Ahmet Perilioglu and Karina Perilioglu
Volume 10 Number 3
Editorial: Has too big to fail been resolved?
Madelyn Antoncic, Executive Director, Principal Global Investors, Former Vice President and Treasurer, World Bank -
Stress testing: Where next?
Jo Paisley, former Global Head of Stress Testing, HSBC -
Forecast of forecast: An analytical approach to stressed impairment forecasting
Jimmy Skoglund, Principal Product Manager, SAS and Wei Chen, Director of Stress Testing Solution, SAS Institute -
Critical appraisal of the Basel fundamental review of the trading book regulations
J. Orgeldinger, Independent Consultant -
A deeper understanding of payment shock dynamics
Nidhi Verma, Vice President, Consulting, TransUnion -
BCBS IRRBB pillar 2: The new standard for the banking industry
Roberto Virreira Zijderveld, Senior Manager of IRRBB Policy, Standard Chartered Group -
Developing a comprehensive operational risk strategy
David Suetens, Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer, Richard Flood, Managing Director and Cinzia Dicorato-Rura, Operational Risk Manager, State Street, Luxembourg -
Regulatory reform in banking 10 years after the financial crisis
Mattia L. Rattaggi, Managing Director, Head Regulatory Affairs and Governance Reporting, Group Internal Audit, UBS
Volume 10 Number 2
Backstopping risk: Capital versus transparency
Allan D. Grody, President, Financial InterGroup Holdings Ltd. -
Capturing initial margin in counterparty risk calculations
Lee Moran, Senior Quantitative Analyst, and Sascha Wilkens, Senior Manager, BNP Paribas, Risk Analytics & Modelling -
Underdetermination and variability of the results in macro-to-micro stress tests: A machine learning approach
Alexander Denev, Head of Quantitative Research and Orazio Angelini, Research Associate, IHS Markit -
Wrong-way risk bounds in counterparty credit risk management
Amir Memartoluie, PhD candidate, Cheriton School of Computer Science, David Saunders, Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, Tony Wirjanto, Econometrician, University of Waterloo -
Statutory bail-in for an orderly resolution of insurers
Shinya Kobayashi, Government Official, Financial Services Agency of Japan -
Credit risk term-structures for lifetime impairment forecasting: A practical guide
Jimmy Skoglund, Principal Product Manager, SAS -
Cybersecurity: Risks and management of risks for global banks and financial institutions
Mark Camillo Head of Cyber, EMEA, AIG -
Probabilistic causality and decisions on bailouts of financial institutions
Fernando Moreira, Lecturer in Business Economics and Director of the MSc in Banking and Risk at the University of Edinburgh Business School
Volume 10 Number 1
Special Issue on Country Risk
Guest-Editors: Luigi Ruggerone, Resident Representative, Intesa Sanpaolo & Will Kerry, Deputy Division Chief, International Monetary Fund
Country risk: A special Issue
Luigi Ruggerone, Resident Representative, Intesa Sanpaolo & Will Kerry, Deputy Division Chief, International Monetary Fund -
Managing political risk in advanced econmies
Sam Wilkin, Senior advisor, Oxford Economics -
Assessing vulnerabilities to financial shocks in some key global economies
Jack Fisher, Research Assistant, London School of Economics and Lukasz Rachel, Senior Economist, Bank of England -
Stress testing as a systemic risk assessment tool
Dimitri G. Demekas, Assistant Director, Monetary & Capital Markets Department, International Monetary Fund -
Beyond country risk: A comprehensive approach to address banks' vulnerabilities
Gregorio De Felice, Head of Research and Chief Economist, Intesa Sanpaolo -
Changing the treatment of sovereign exposures in banking regulation: A market impact assessment
Aron Gereben, Senior Economist, Policy and Strategy Division, Economics Department, European Investment Bank -
Incorporating external factors into country risk analysis
Mina Toksoz, Country Risk Consultant -
Reassessing the risks in emerging markets
Richard Wise, Chief Risk Officer, Credit Suisse Asia Pacific -
Exposure exchange agreements among multilateral development banks for sovereign exposures: An innovative risk management tool
Riadh Belhaj, Principal Financial Risk Officer, African Development Bank, Merli Baroudi, Chief Credit Officer, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Norbert Fiess, Lead Economist, Global Practice of Macroeconomic and Fiscal Management, World Bank Group, Jonas Campino de Olivera, Senior Strategic Risk Specialist, Inter-American Development Bank, Frank Sperling, Unit Chief for Strategic Risk, Inter-American Development Bank and Tim Turner, Chief Risk Officer, African Development Bank Group -
The challenge of assessing and shaping bank conduct, ethics and culture: Insights from the social sciences
Matthew Connell, Head of Regulatory Developments, Zurich Insurance Group -
Convexity and correlation effects in expected credit loss calculations for IFRS9/CECL and stress testing
Gaurav Chawla, Team Leader, Models and Methodologies, Aguais and Associates and Lawrence R Forest Jr, Global Head of Research, Aguais and Associates