Applied Marketing Analytics has found just the right balance of practical and strategy articles that make it indispensable for those who work in this industry - especially those who manage data workers. A peer-reviewed journal is essential to the advancement of the digital analytics industry and Applied Marketing Analytics fills the bill intelligently.
"A journal that meets the needs of practitioners, policymakers and academics."
Dr Andrew G Haldane
Chief Economist
Bank of England
"A valuable source of structured thinking for risk professionals throughout the financial sector. It enables risk teams to keep up to date with the latest analysis across all risk types and encourages cooperation and debate."
John Trundle
Chief Risk Officer
"With poor risk management having been central to the recent implosion of the financial sector, it is widely agreed that risk management policy and practice must change to promote financial stability. Devising and implementing the needed private and public sector reforms will require creative and sustained effort by practitioners, academics and policy makers. Reaching across these various communities, Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions can play a catalytic role in helping the global risk management profession to address this intellectual challenge.”
Timothy S. Wilson
Chief Risk Officer
Caxton Associates
"The crisis of 2007-2009 has forcefully highlighted the centrality of sound risk measurement and management in modern financial institutions. As we move forward, with the global financial system evolving at the most rapid pace in history, we need guidance from incisive top quality risk management research. Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions delivers the goods."
Francis X. Diebold
W.P. Carey Professor of Economics, Professor of Finance and Statistics
University of Pennsylvania
"A unique journal providing practical, applicable thought leadership"
Bogie Ozdemir
Canadian Western Bank