"It's very exciting to see a peer-reviewed journal for our field. I'm impressed with the range of topics but also that the journal analyses emerging trends in all areas of advancement and communications. The quality of the articles I've seen so far is also very nice to see."
Volume 1 (2007-08)
Each volume of Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions consists of four quarterly 100-page issues. The articles published in Volume 1 were:
Volume 1 Number 4
Measuring investor sentiment and behaviour to gauge financial risk
Yves Rannou, Equity Derivatives and Commodity Analyst, Barclays Capital -
What are we missing in risk management?
Felix Kloman, former Principal, Towers Perrin -
Towards better financial risk learning
Anna Waldvogel, Training Consultant, The Learning Enterprise and Niall Whelan, Director of Research and Model Risk, Scotiabank -
Operational risk: Lessons from non-financial organizations
Simon Ashby, Head of Operational Risk, The Nottingham Building Society -
How risky is your risk information?
Robert M. Mark, CEO, Black Diamond Risk Enterprises and Dilip Krishna, Enterprise Risk Management and Capital Markets Practice, Teradata -
The science of governance: A blind spot of risk managers and corporate governance reform?
Shann Turnbull, International Institute for Self-Governance -
Payment and settlement systems: The case for mutualised risk mitigation within the Basel II framework
Allan D. Grody, President, Financial InterGroup Holdings -
Risk management and UK defined benefit pension provision: A perspective from financial sociology
Yally Avrahampour, Fellow, Department of Management, London School of Economics & Political Science -
Blind spots in current risk management practices: Measurement error
Yuval D. Bar-Or, Founder and President, The Light Brigade -
Back-to-basics on the defensive: Now what for the risk profession?
Luca Celati, Abraxas Capital Management -
People risk: Where are the boundaries?
Patrick McConnell, Visiting Fellow, Macquarie University Applied Finance Centre
Volume 1 Number 3
Active capital management: Optimising returns in a multiple stakeholder context
Michael Zerbs, President and Chief Operating Officer, Helmut Mausser, Mathematician–Technical Director and Martin Hansen, former Senior Manager, Risk Management Strategy, Algorithmics -
Future trends in the structured credit market
Jochen Felsenheimer, Head, Credit Strategy and Structured Credit Team and Philip Gisdakis, Senior Quantitative Credit Strategist, UniCredit -
Debunking the securitisation myth: Understanding why the 2007 credit crunch happened
Richard Wise, Managing Director, Institutional Equities Chief Risk Officer, JPMorgan Chase -
Safe banking to avoid moral hazard
Sankarshan Acharya, Associate Professor of Finance, University of Illinois at Chicago -
The value at risk of the mathematical provision: Critical issues
Rosa Cocozza, Associate Professor of Insurance and Risk management, Emilia Di Lorenzo, Professor of Financial mathematics, University of Naples, Albina Orlando, Researcher, Italian National Research Council and Marilena Sibillo, Professor of Financial Mathematics, University of Salerno -
Best practice and remaining challenges for credit economic capital
Corinne Neale, Head of Capital Management, Asia Pacific, Algorithmics -
Determinants of bank loan syndication structures for emerging market borrowers
Christophe J. Godlewskiy, Assistant Professor of Finance, University of Strasbourg -
Lower-grade municipal bond price risk and sensitivity of price volatility to level of yields
S. Lakshmivarahan, Professor and Duane R. Stock, Professor, University of Oklahoma -
EU legal commentary: Financial Services and Markets Tribunal considers risks of contravention of FSA Principle requiring skill, care and diligence in Fox Hayes v Financial Services Authority
Joanna Gray, Professor of Financial Regulation, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Volume 1 Number 2
Monitoring the operational risk environment effectively
David Breden, Managing Director, HSBC Operational Risk Consultancy -
Using non-traditional data for underwriting loans to thin-file borrowers: Evidence, tips and precautions
Michael A. Turner, President and Founder, Political & Economic Research Council and Amita Agarwal, Director, Chase Credit Card Services -
Application of non-cooperative game theory to market disequilibria
Richard Wise, Managing Director, Institutional Equities Chief Risk Officer, JPMorgan Chase -
Measuring financial market liquidity
Will Kerry, Systemic Risk Assessment Division, Financial Stability, Bank of England -
An empirical approach to Basel II
Christopher Whalen, Co-Founder, Institutional Risk Analytics -
Mutual fund risk-return profiles: A novel use of triangulation
Henry I. Silverman, Assistant Professor of Finance, Roosevelt University -
Asset Credit Derivatives: Documenting and understanding credit derivative products
Richard Wise, Managing Director, Institutional Equities Chief Risk Officer, JPMorgan Chase -
EU legal commentary: UK Court of Appeal decision in Real Estate Opportunities Ltd v Aberdeen Asset Managers Jersey Ltd and others
Joanna Gray, Professor of Financial Regulation, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Volume 1 Number 1
Risk distortions created by liquidity glut: Watchpoint for structured note backers
Richard Wise, Managing Director, Institutional Equities Chief Risk Officer, JPMorgan Chase -
Estimating recovery discount rates: A methodological note
Paul Kupiec, Director, Center of Financial Research, FDIC -
The subprime fiasco: Derivatives and ratings
Christopher Whalen, Co-Founder, Institutional Risk Analytics -
Operational risk: The direct measurement of exposure and risk in bank operations
Peter Hughes, Managing Director, ARC Best Practices -
Retail loans and Basel II: Using portfolio segmentation to reduce capital requirements
Daniel Kaltofen, Managing Director for Research, Stephan Paul, Professor in Banking and Finance and Stefan Stein, Managing Director, Ruhr-University of Bochum -
Creating a risk appetite framework for insurance decision-making
Lukas Ziewer, Consultant and Anthony Bice, Director, Insurance Practice, Oliver Wyman -
Longevity risk: A new global market?
Robert Hudson, Senior Lecturer, International Institute of Banking and Financial Services, Leeds University Business School -
A brief review of The Interagency Statement on Sound Practices Concerning Elevated Risk Complex Structured Finance Activities
Josh Cohn, Partner, Christian Artmann, former Associate, Alisa Ruvinsky, former Associate, International Capital Markets Department, Allen & Overy -
Analytic models of the receiver operating characteristic curve: Applications to credit rating model validation
Steve Satchell, Fellow, Trinity College, Cambridge and Wei Xia, Visiting Lecturer, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing -
‘Operational risk’ and the legal landscape
Joanna Gray, Professor of Financial Regulation, University of Newcastle upon Tyne