“Corporate Real Estate Journal looks at serious issues both global and local that impacts or may impact our industry at a level of detail that provokes questions and debate with its readers.”
“Corporate Real Estate Journal looks at serious issues both global and local that impacts or may impact our industry at a level of detail that provokes questions and debate with its readers.”
"Digital banking has become a key priority in the industry, deserving a specific approach and this peer-reviewed journal."
"A valuable source of structured thinking for risk professionals throughout the financial sector. It enables risk teams to keep up to date with the latest analysis across all risk types and encourages cooperation and debate."
“This journal provides valuable peer-reviewed practical business Ideas for industry leaders and academics,”
"A unique journal providing practical, applicable thought leadership"
"Airports are complex businesses and the demands they face – from meeting targets for growth while ensuring environmental compliance; from safety and security to keeping consumers satisfied – are becoming increasingly complex. Journal of Airport Management will brief you with some of the most insightful new thinking and latest best practice to help your airport stay ahead of the competition."
"Congrats on Journal of Brand Strategy. From the outset I liked the focus on real problems and real solutions. I especially like the case study section, there are so few outlets for this article type and it can be so useful."
"As an Editorial Board member for Corporate Real Estate Journal, I have first-hand knowledge of the rigour and standards applied to the selection and review of content ... clear evidence how the Journal is able to provide such industry leading access into the views of our profession."
“The thought leadership and knowledge sharing by industry experts contained within this Journal truly exemplifies how cyber security is a non-competitive environment.”