Volume 13 (2024-25)

Each volume of Journal of Brand Strategy consists of four, quarterly 100-page issues published both in print and online.

Articles currently published in Volume 13 are listed below.

Volume 13 Number 4

  • Editorial
    Simon Beckett, Publisher
  • Improving brand outcomes through consumer co-creation: An agile formula for success
    Chris Bailey, President and CEO, Bailey Brand Consulting

    This paper analyses how consumer perception makes and breaks brands. Historically, brand owners have sought feedback from their audience to mitigate the risks of failure and improve the ways in which they develop and market their products and services. The collection of such feedback has assumed many forms over the past 60 years, from door-to-door interviews to direct mail surveys and from customer service hotlines to chatbots driven by artificial intelligence. Nevertheless, the utility of such exercises remains limited. How might the dynamic change if consumers assumed a more active role in guiding solution development through an agile and iterative creative process? Once radical and still underutilised, consumer co-creation initiatives have demonstrated the power and potential to challenge entrenched marketing behaviours and reshape conventional wisdom around how brands view, engage and activate their audiences. Moreover, co-creation offers marketers an opportunity to meaningfully increase speed to market and improve their odds of commercial success when compared with traditional customer feedback implementation methodologies.
    Keywords: branding; co-creation; community marketing; market research

  • What can marketers learn from a poker player, a jazz musician, a tennis player and a dancer?
    Jim DeLash, Marketing Director, Direct & Long-Tail Customer Acquisition, GSK

    This paper examines six legends from different fields and how marketers can learn from them. The first section focuses on things that do not change and the relationship between effectiveness and communication, drawing on the works of Peter Drucker, the leading management thinker, and Claude Hopkins, a successful advertising copywriter. Drucker’s concept of the effective executive — time management, set priorities, build on strengths — were born in the mid-1960s, while Hopkins’ concepts of effective copywriting — it is about the customer, be specific, tell a story — revolutionised advertising a century ago. In both cases, these principles provide as much guidance now as they did when first created. The second section emphasises two of the keys to competitiveness — anticipation and decision-making. The paper shows how Roger Federer’s mentality — don’t dwell on the past, think one step ahead, spend more time preparing — applies just as much to marketing as it does to tennis. The paper then takes the example of world champion poker player Annie Duke to show how ‘thinking in bets’ can lead to better decisions. Duke argues that the outcome is not the best way to evaluate how successful a decision was — luck sometimes gets in the way and turns a good decision into a bad outcome and vice versa. This mentality ties into the learning not to dwell on past performance, especially if it is negative: make the decision, feel good about it and move on, regardless of the result. The final section brings together creativity and innovation through the examples of Twyla Tharp, Broadway choreographer, and Miles Davis, jazz musician. The paper discusses how Tharp literally collects her ideas in box as a way to contain her inspirations without confining her creativity. It also discusses how Miles Davis revolutionised modern jazz simply by encouraging his band members to trust their instincts. The foundation for this paper is Steve Jobs’ view that you cannot connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. The key takeaways can be summarised as follows: look outside your industry for examples from which to learn; connecting learning from different disciplines provides new ideas; trust your instincts when connecting dots and don’t worry if they seem to conflict.
    Keywords: effectiveness; communication; decision-making; anticipation; creativity; innovation; marketing

  • Revolutionising brand engagement: Empowering full-funnel affiliate marketing strategies using Performance PR 334
    Safwan Khalid, Senior Growth Marketing Manager and Jacob Crompton-Schreiber, Associate Director, Performance PR, Gen3 Marketing

    In the evolving landscape of digital marketing, traditional public relations (PR) practice is increasingly being supplemented or replaced by Performance PR, a data-driven approach that emphasises measurable outcomes such as conversion rates and return on investment. This study explores the integration of Performance PR with affiliate marketing strategies to enhance brand engagement, credibility and visibility. Through detailed analysis of case studies involving BBQGuys, Paravel, The Bouqs, RoseSkinCo and PAX, the paper demonstrates how these methods contribute to significant business results. The paper also addresses the ethical considerations inherent in Performance PR and provides practical recommendations for its implementation in contemporary digital branding strategies.
    Keywords: Performance PR; affiliate marketing; digital marketing; brand engagement; consumer trust; data analytics; ethical considerations; case studies

  • Revitalising US urban tourism post COVID-19: A brand strategy case study
    Carly Fink, President, Provoke Insights and Kristen Adamo, President & CEO, Providence Warwick Convention & Visitors Bureau

    After the COVID-19 pandemic, many US cities have suffered financially due to people adopting a hybrid work approach and moving from cities to the suburbs. Meanwhile, suburban residents are hesitant to visit cities due to concerns about increased crime rates since the pandemic. This has created a branding and marketing challenge for urban areas, particularly in smaller metropolitan areas that rely heavily on suburban commuters and day visitors. As a result, cities need to rebrand to better reach the new suburban consumers and bring them back into the city. This paper provides a case study on how the city of Providence, Rhode Island, addressed these issues through a marketing campaign targeting individuals who live up to an hour outside the city. The paper also describes how the city commissioned a market research study to determine the best strategy for the rebrand to move forward.
    Keywords: urban tourism; post-covid-19 recovery; marketing strategy; market research; consumer behaviour; travel trends

  • A call for authentic narrative in branded entertainment: A measurement instrument
    Marthinus J.C. Van Loggerenberg, Associate Professor of Advertising, University of San Francisco, et al.

    This paper proposes a measurement instrument to construct an authentic narrative in branded entertainment, harnessing potential to achieve brand resonance. Brand resonance assists in building brands strategically. Previous qualitative research has revealed that an authentic narrative in branded entertainment has three key dimensions: alignment with the brand’s identity, sincerity in entertainment intent and emotional meaning. The proposed measurement instrument is empirically tested and refined in two survey studies conducted with US consumers. Study 1 (n = 509) tests the dimensionality of the measurement scale. Study 2 (n = 617) confirms the dimensionality and further refines the measurement into a 13-item scale. Results also confirm that an authentic narrative in branded entertainment positively influences brand attitudes. This instrument offers immediate utility for industry practitioners seeking to enhance the effectiveness of their branded entertainment strategies.
    Keywords: branded entertainment; authentic narrative; branded entertainment narrative; branded entertainment planning; measurement instrument; brand resonance

  • The role of brand-specific traditions and consumer self-identity factors in shaping private label brand attitudes
    Brian Whelan, Assistant Professor of Marketing, College of Business, Western Carolina University

    Private label brands have grown exponentially over the past several decades and represent an important part of the retail sector globally. To date, there has been extensive research conducted on numerous factors regarding private label brand pricing, promotion strategies and brand loyalty, but little is known about the impact that consumers’ overall attitudes towards branded products have on their private label brand attitudes. This paper examines influencing factors for consumers’ attitudes towards private label brands in the USA through the framework of the meaning of branded products scale. Using partial least squares (PLS) regression structural equation modelling, the author demonstrates that certain branded product meanings influence the formation of consumers’ attitudes towards private label brands. A structural equation model was created and tested using an online survey on brand attitudes (n = 391). Empirical results are presented, along with a discussion of managerial implications and future research directions.
    Keywords: private label brands; brand attitudes; family traditions; national traditions

  • Tapping generation Z microinfluencers for marketing and branding
    Jay I. Sinha, Associate Professor, Fox School of Business, Temple University

    Generation Z is the name given to the cohort of individuals within the global population who were born between 1997 and 2012. They constitute one of the largest demographic segments in many countries and are of great consequence to companies in terms of their spending power and their roles as current and future consumers. Generation Z consumers display characteristics that are noticeably different from previous generations, especially as regards their ease with technology and distinct buying habits. They are known to be cynical and savvy about traditional marketing, and are therefore hard to reach and persuade through conventional means; indeed, Generation Z consumers are thought to represent a markedly new type of consumer. As a result, companies need to rely more on a peer-to-peer approach to target them and appeal to them. This paper discusses the role of social media micro-influencers who exert great influence on Generation Z consumers through their charismatic appeal, suasive power and category-specific expertise. Additionally, it looks at factors underlying the rise of micro-influencers, the sources of their appeal among Generation Z, and the ways that companies in different industries are using them in their marketing and branding efforts. The paper ends by providing a set of managerial takeaways and guidelines for such collaborations with micro-influencers.
    Keywords: Generation Z; influencer marketing; micro-influencers; persuasion; brand strategy

Volume 13 Number 3

  • Editorial
    Simon Beckett, Publisher
  • Unlocking retail media: Disruption, challenges and opportunities
    Vivek Rastogi, Senior Director, Global Digital Commerce, Colgate-Palmolive

    This paper delves into the nuances of retail media, exploring its growth trajectory, the benefits it brings to various stakeholders and the challenges it poses while offering strategic insights for brands to effectively harness its potential. Retail media has emerged as a focal point in the digital commerce sphere, captivating attention and promising a paradigm shift akin to the emergence of search in the early 2000s. With ongoing technological advancements and a burgeoning array of retail media networks, the landscape is becoming increasingly dynamic and competitive. It is no wonder everyone is talking about retail media and the exciting opportunities it promises. In this paper, the author not only elucidates the immense potential of retail media but also sheds light on a crucial aspect often overlooked: the disruptive impact it can have on established business processes and structures. He then advocates for a proactive approach by brands to understand, acknowledge and adapt to these disruptions, paving the way for leveraging the full spectrum of opportunities presented by retail media.
    Keywords: Retail media trend; challenges/complexity of retail media; retail media disruption; benefits of retail media; things to do to succeed in retail media

  • Creating cultural edge: Strategic employer branding for enhanced organisational agility, resilience and top talent acquisition and retention
    Markus Kramer, Managing Partner, Brand Affairs

    The primary argument in this paper is that employer branding, when effectively utilised as a strategic tool to cultivate and reinforce culture, serves as a pivotal mechanism for enhancing organisational agility, resilience and talent engagement. Thorough employer branding is not about the latest TikTok video on the company’s social media feed to attract young talent. Successful employer branding dares to tackle the complex fabric of culture and align it with a company’s vision and brand. Utilising academic insights and first-hand experience, the paper offers a holistic framework for businesses aiming to leverage employer branding to build resilient and adaptive cultures that attract and retain top-tier talent.
    Keywords: employer branding; corporate culture; organisational agility; competitive advantage; strategic brand; management; talent acquisition; talent retention; employee engagementt

  • Greenwashing and greenhushing: Risks and opportunities from the gap between brand sustainability perceptions and performance
    Robert Haigh, Strategy & Sustainability Director and Sofia Liszka, Strategy & Sustainability Consultant, Brand Finance

    Although acting sustainably is crucial for brands — as is being seen to act sustainably — navigating this incredibly complex topic can be challenging for business leaders. Therefore, a business case action must be articulated in financial terms in order for the benefits of sustainability actions to be made more tangible. The current authors found that millions of dollars of brand value can potentially be gained from enhanced sustainability actions and effective communication. However, there are also millions of dollars at risk, either from misallocated or excessive investments in sustainability communication, or from insufficient action leading to poor perception of sustainability actions, which can in turn lead to accusations of greenwashing. This paper aims to frame the business case for sustainability action by articulating it in financial terms.
    Keywords: sustainable brands; sustainability perceptions; environment; social and governance (ESG) performance; greenwashing; greenhushing; reputational risk

  • From good fortune to unique finds: How luck shapes consumer desire for unique products
    Ryall Carroll, Director MS Marketing Intelligence and Associate Professor, Peter J. Tobin College of Business, St. John’s University, et al

    This paper analyses the effect of lucky events on the desire for unique products. Lucky events, characterised by chance, can elicit positive sentiments and feelings of uniqueness compared to others, which, in turn, may create a preference for more unique products. Three online experiments were conducted with varying manipulations of luck and behavioural intention targets. Mediation models and the moderated mediation model were tested using Hayes’ (2013) bootstrap procedure. As predicted, the findings reveal a step by step process in which a lucky event triggers a desire for uniqueness, enhances perceptions of the uniqueness of an offering and yields more favourable purchase intentions. The process was robust to different sources of luck and different unique purchase targets. The research on which this paper is based complements existing studies on the antecedents of lucky events. Although prior research has mostly focused on what causes people to feel lucky, this paper adds to the nascent body of research on the consequences of feeling lucky, particularly in a consumer context. The studies conducted yield a number of managerial implications.
    Keywords: luck; consumer need for uniqueness (CNFU); desire for unique products; promotions; communications

  • Everything is media: A new approach to media and storytelling in the new digital era
    Alon Weinpress, Owner, Weinpress Marketing

    In today’s digital age, where consumers are bombarded with messages and have short attention spans, brands face the challenge of standing out. This paper proposes a paradigm shift for brands: viewing every interaction as a potential media opportunity. Drawing from case studies like Nike, Stella Artois and Glassdoor, it illustrates how brands can leverage routine interactions with their target audiences to craft compelling narratives, adapting to evolving consumer expectations. This paper suggests a practical model for identifying and maximising these media touchpoints, emphasising the importance of storytelling and authenticity. As technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) continue to evolve, the role of branding and marketing is poised for transformation, with new possibilities emerging to engage audiences in innovative ways.
    Keywords: strategy; branding; transformative touch media; storytelling; marketing; digital marketing; performance marketing; data-driven content; artificial intelligence (AI); customer experience; customer journey; social media; digital transformation

  • Navigating the dairy aisle: Consumers’ unique shopping journey buying local dairy products, and the implications for a tailored brand marketing strategies
    Heejin Lim, Professor, Department of Retail, Hospitality, and Tourism Management, University of Tennessee, et al

    This paper delves into the application of customer journey mapping as a strategic tool for developing brand strategies for local food producers. Focusing on one product category, dairy value-added products, provides an opportunity to examine the dynamic and individual nature of customer experiences. By identifying both physical and online touchpoints, journey mapping enables an in-depth assessment of the multifaceted dimensions of the customer journey. The findings demonstrate distinct shopping patterns among three consumer cases: (a) a stalwart locavore, (b) a pragmatic locavore and (c) a budget-conscious local supporter. Within each customer journey, various key touchpoints come into play across the pre-purchase, purchase and post-purchase stages. Furthermore, cognitive, emotional, social, sensorial and behavioural responses are noted to varying extents. The findings suggest that customer journey mapping can offer vital insights for segmenting profitable consumers and tailoring brand marketing strategies to cater to different customer groups. This emphasises its potential role as an effective tool in developing robust brand strategies.
    Keywords: customer journey mapping; tailored brand marketing strategies; consumer experience; sequential incident technique (SIT)

  • Can brands escape the hate? A keyword analysis
    Handan Ozdemir, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, Ostim Technical University, Ankara, et al

    Brand hate (BH) may be defined as a ‘psychological state in which a consumer forms an intense negative emotion and hatred towards a brand, a hatred that reveals itself through anti-branding activities’. This paper seeks to examine the keywords related to the concept of BH and uses keyword co-occurrence analysis, followed by a review of the short history of BH as reported in the relevant marketing literature. The Scopus database was chosen for analysis due to its comprehensive coverage and rigorous indexing principles, and VOSviewer was used to visualise the term ‘Brand Hate’, revealing research trends and patterns. This keyword analysis identifies seven clusters: ‘Emotional and Behavioural Responses’, ‘Brand Relationship Dynamics’, ‘Reactive Consumer Behaviours and Relationship Dynamics’, ‘Digital and Social Media Dynamics’, ‘Psychological and Emotional Triggers’, ‘Impact of Brand Hate on Consumer Behaviour’ and ‘Strategies for Managing and Mitigating Brand Hate’. By presenting a comprehensive and up-to-date keyword analysis of BH, this study will spur scholarly research and serve as a valuable tool for the researchers in advancing the research in BH.
    Keywords: brand; brand hate (BH); keyword analysis; VOSviewer

Volume 13 Number 2

  • Editorial
    Simon Beckett, Publisher
  • Case Studies
    Rebooting Bata: The challenges of repositioning a heritage brand
    Prashant Chaudhary, Associate Professor, WPU School of Business, Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University

    Founded as a family-owned business in 1894, Bata Corp. has grown to become a major player in the footwear sector, with a presence in more than 70 countries. In India, the company established itself as the primary producer of affordable, durable footwear, with the result that the majority of generation X and millennial consumers remember growing up with Bata shoes, having worn them in their school days and often into early adulthood. Unfortunately, childhood memories can be difficult to translate into glamour; as a result, Bata struggled to position itself as a fashionable modern brand. This case study delves deep into the nuances of repositioning a heritage brand, and explores how Bata eventually succeeded in repositioning itself as a premium contemporary brand. The paper highlights the challenges associated with balancing legacy brand associations with desired image. It also shares valuable insights regarding the evolution of India’s fashion and footwear industry, changing consumer behaviour in emerging markets, and the increasing globalisation and democratisation of fashion.
    Keywords: brand image; brand positioning; repositioning; strategic branding; brand associations; consumer behaviour

  • Building capabilities for an orchestrated customer experience in the life-sciences sector: Case study of CSL Behring
    Stuart Davis, Director, Commercial Enablement, Marketing, CSL Behring

    Orchestrating the right content, at the right time, with the right customer, via the right channel can be a key growth driver for products in the life-sciences industry. Starting with the right marketing foundation for content, channels and service is essential, and with the right measures in place, one can advance adoption and commercial impact quickly. As this paper explains, when seeking to unlock commercial value, it is important to partner with marketing leadership to establish a roadmap that defines desired skills, competencies, process, frameworks and technologies. This paper describes CSL Behring’s endeavours to build an orchestrated customer experience for healthcare professionals and, ultimately, patients. The insights provided should be of particular benefit to marketers within the life science sector.
    Keywords: omni-channel; orchestrated customer experience; digital transformation; digital marketing; biotechnology; healthcare; change management

  • Practice Papers
    Navigating the artificial intelligence frontier: Strategic imperatives for safeguarding brand integrity
    Nasser Sahlool, Senior VP of Strategy, DAC

    This paper delves into the transformative era of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) in marketing, underscoring the vast potential of AI to revolutionise marketing strategies through enhanced personalisation and efficiency while highlighting the rapid adoption rate among companies and marketing professionals. Despite the enthusiasm, it navigates through the apprehensions surrounding job displacement, misinformation and brand safety, offering a comprehensive guide to the strategic adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) with a view to harnessing its benefits without compromising brand integrity. It identifies common pitfalls in AI adoption, such as lack of preparation, myopic focus on current use cases, and neglect of strategic planning, emphasising the importance of a thoughtful, multi-disciplinary approach to AI integration. This includes viewing AI as an assistive tool rather than an end goal, understanding its implications for media, fostering internal leadership, and establishing stringent brand protection guardrails. The paper concludes with a call to action for marketers to embrace AI with strategic foresight, leveraging its revolutionary potential to drive innovation while steadfastly upholding ethical standards and brand values.
    Keywords: AI; generative AI; AI brand safety; AI in advertising; marketing AI integration; AI ethics; AI marketing strategy

  • Debunking brand safety and suitability myths in podcasting
    Lisa Prentis Jacobs, Senior Vice President of Media Operations, Ad Results Media, et al

    Podcast audiences in the USA are enjoying unprecedented growth, with nearly 100 million weekly listeners in 2024. Forecasts suggest that podcasting advertisement revenue will surpass US$2bn in 2024, reaching nearly US$2.6bn by 2026. At the same time, however, the business community (ie audio industry experts, including media decision makers at large agencies and brands) continue to have questions regarding the medium’s safety and suitability for brands. This paper provides a multi-modal study that juxtaposes the myths and opportunities in podcast advertising across genres. It reveals that consumers remain open to brands that advertise on podcasts and they find their titles to be engaging, informative and entertaining.
    Keywords: podcast; genres; brand safety; brand suitability; audio; advertising; advertising effectiveness; podcast listeners

  • The audience journey funnel is dead — use a playground instead
    Ashley Faus, Head of Lifecycle Marketing, Portfolio, Atlassian

    The funnel is not representative of the audience journey. It is a retrospective measurement tool, not a forward-looking strategy tool. This paper shows how, as marketers, we need to think holistically about the journey, making it seamless and delightful. It is no longer about rushing people to a purchase with as few touch points as possible, it is about allowing them to choose their own path in a way that helps them reach their destination. This paper analyses the pitfalls of the traditional funnel when creating content strategy, and why a playground is more representative of the audience journey; how to use content depths, intent and time horizons to effectively create and distribute content; and how to map assets and channels to build a seamless, delightful and helpful playground for their audience.
    Keywords: content strategy; content marketing; content distribution; marketing funnel; linear funnel; buyer’s journey

  • The trust factor: Influencer marketing trends in 2024
    Ryan Schram, President and Chief Operating Officer, IZEA Worldwide

    In an era where consumers are inundated with advertisements from all corners, influencers have become a beacon of trust thanks to their authenticity and relatability. This trust can shape consumer behaviour, fuel engagement and, ultimately, drive purchasing decisions that positively impact the entirety of the marketing funnel. This paper discusses the current state of influencer marketing, with a particular focus on the role of trust. Drawing on extensive research conducted by IZEA, it explores how influencers are reaching an impressive 83 per cent of adults ages 18 to 60 years, why consumers find influencer content more compelling than traditional manufactured advertising and how trust in influencers is reshaping integrated marketing strategies.
    Keywords: influencer marketing; trust in influencer marketing; influencer marketing research; influencer trust; influencer marketing trends; consumer sentiment

  • Research Papers
    Development of a consumer-based brand equity strategy for the positioning of football team brands
    Yavuz Selim Gülmez, Assistant Professor, Mardin Artuklu University and Elif Boyraz, Associate rofessor, Tokat Gaziosmanpas¸a University

    This paper develops a brand positioning strategy based on consumer-based brand equity for football team brands. The study is designed and validated in three separate empirical phases. In Study 1, the authors interviewed experts in the field using a qualitative research design and identified the football team brands with the highest consumer-based brand equity. In Study 2, the authors applied explanatory factor analysis to the spectator-based brand equity scale to find the appropriate factors for evaluating the identified team brands. In Study 3, the authors used multidimensional scaling and evaluated and discussed team brands based on the identified factors. As a result of the research, an ‘ideal brand’ had to be designed, taking into account the ten football team brands identified in Study 1 and the six factors identified in Study 2. This brand was rated ‘best’ across all factors and compared with other brands. The authors recommend this new brand positioning strategy to practitioners and emphasise that future studies should be conducted in other countries and for other sports disciplines.
    Keywords: brand positioning; consumer-based brand equity; football team brands

  • Measuring the brand and category effects of marketing activities on customers
    Shota Yabuno, Lecturer, University of Marketing and Distribution Sciences

    Brands play an important role in shaping the impact of a company’s marketing activities on its customers. The key concept of customer-based brand equity in brand research suggests that the effects of different brands differ, even for identical marketing activities. However, empirical analyses that have confirmed the differences in marketing effectiveness across brands are scarce and even fewer studies have compared the effectiveness of multiple marketing activities simultaneously. As a comparison of marketing effectiveness relative to competing brands is important for brand management, this paper presents a method for measuring the differences in marketing effectiveness across brands. The paper employs a hierarchical Bayesian model to compare the effects of pricing and promotional strategies across six makeup cosmetics brands on customers’ responses in Japan. The results reveal that: (a) there are differences in marketing effectiveness between brands for both pricing and promotional strategies, (b) the extent of marketing effectiveness differs between brands for each marketing activity and (c) the effects of pricing and promotional strategies on customers’ responses differ between brands. These results indicate that the hierarchical Bayesian model-based measure for assessing marketing effectiveness proposed in this paper is effective for comparing brands, which highlights the need for different brands to adopt distinct marketing strategies. As the dominant strategy varies by brand, marketers should consider this aspect carefully. Future studies should examine whether purchase intention is directly linked to actual purchases as well as consider alternative independent variables (eg comparisons between promotional strategies) and dependent variables (eg willingness to pay and brand choice).
    Keywords: brand management; customer-based brand equity; branding; hierarchical Bayesian model; makeup cosmetics

Volume 13 Number 1

  • Editorial
    Simon Beckett, Publisher
  • Practice Papers
    Securing brand trust and reputation in an era of political polarisation and AI-driven disinformation
    Wasim Khaled, Blackbird.AI

    This paper analyses the seismic reputational risks now facing brands as two major sociotechnical forces converge — the rise of ideological polarisation and the emergence of AI’s ability to generate synthetic media impersonating organisations. It examines how brands have embraced polarised stances on social issues to build deeper connections with values-driven consumers, especially younger demographics like millennials and Gen Z. By adopting partisan positions. Brands also become targets for ideological attacks seeking to erode trust. Meanwhile, rapid advances in generative AI empower malicious actors to disseminate disinformation, attacking brands with harmful narratives, misinformation and disinformation on an unprecedented scale and realism to do financial and reputational harm. The paper provides an in-depth examination of both dynamics. It explores how younger consumers increasingly demand corporate advocacy on divisive issues, forcing brands to navigate complex sociopolitical fault lines. Taking progressive stances risks a backlash from ideological opponents ready to instigate reputation-damaging retaliation. The paper also details the exponential threats introduced by AI synthesis technologies like generative adversarial networks. It explains how even modestly resourced attackers could soon produce unlimited volumes of fake content, misinformation and disinformation to target brands across all digital channels and media types. To address these converging risks, the paper recommends that brands invest in capabilities including monitoring sociocultural tensions, technologically authenticating communications, establishing early disinformation warning systems, educating consumers on resisting manipulation, crafting proactive narratives, practicing radical transparency and testing defences. It emphasises the need for holistic ‘narrative intelligence’ combining data analysis, cultural discernment and human wisdom. With deliberate strategies focused on verification, transparency and continuous learning, brands can foster resilience and enduring trust despite inevitable disruptions. The paper concludes that competence in navigating partisan debates and AI deception will become a competitive advantage in determining which brands lead in this complex future.
    Keywords: disinformation; misinformation; narrative attack; brand; harm; intelligence

  • Small brand giants: Harnessing innovation to disrupt for growth
    Ivonne Kinser, Vantagec Creative Group

    Small brands face big marketing and branding challenges in a world in which industry giants wield considerable resources. This paper promotes innovation as a catalyst for brand success. It discusses how brands can use innovation to challenge conventions, reshape industries and achieve notable success in a dynamic industry. The paper outlines innovative strategies that empower small brands to carve distinct niches, enhance brand awareness and shine brighter than their larger counterparts. It concludes that innovation, far from being a mere buzzword, is a force that can propel small brands toward growth and market disruption.
    Keywords: marketing; branding; innovation; small brands; brand innovation

  • Building brand trust and consumer willingness to convert with reception marketing
    Shannon Reedy, Terakeet

    In the dynamic landscape of marketing, shifts in technology, business and behaviour occur that revolutionise how brands connect with consumers. One example is the concept of Reception Marketing. This paper examines the history of marketing strategies, exploring the consumer and marketplace contexts that catalysed the evolution from interruption-based methods to Permission Marketing, ultimately leading to the emergence of Reception Marketing. By examining the challenges with Interruption and Permission Marketing relative to reaching contemporary audiences, this paper highlights the need for a new approach that aligns with today’s empowered consumer who bridges the information and artificial intelligence (AI) age. The paper introduces and defines Reception Marketing as a strategy that leverages consumer signals to build authentic and consistent connections between brands and consumers, where each is defined relative to their ability to resonate, build brand equity and therefore make consumers more likely to convert. The paper goes on to discuss the important principles of Reception Marketing and its role in shaping the future of marketing strategies, brand-consumer relationships and the state of the Internet at large. The paper also explores how owned asset optimisation (OAO), along with AI and other technologies, enable brands to implement Reception Marketing at scale.
    Keywords: reception marketing; interruption marketing; permission marketing; consumer empowerment; brand-consumer relationships; owned asset optimisation; consumer data; authentic connections; brand equity.

  • Case Study
    Advancing brand purpose: How Crayola elevates its long-standing mission to a compelling go-to-market strategy and an inspiring point of view on creativity as an essential life skill
    Victoria Lozano, Crayola

    Founded in the early 1900s, Crayola was grounded in a deep sense of purpose and a fundamental belief that creativity is essential to each individual child and the collective potential of a nation. Discover how Crayola has re-sharpened its focus on the brand’s mission and translated that focus both internally to nurture its culture and externally to propel its go-to-market strategy. Learn about Crayola’s strategic framework and the multitude of ways that framework is translating into compelling products and collaborations, engaging experiences and impactful content that aims to further deepen consumers’ relationship with the brand. This paper describes Crayola’s point of view on creativity and its ambition to help drive a societal shift in understanding and appreciation of creativity as an essential life skill crucial to future potential.
    Keywords: corporate culture; creativity; innovation; brand purpose; brand identity; mission; social impact; advocacy

  • Research Papers
    From Kit Kat to copycat: Exploring Generation Z’s attitude towards copycat products in the confectionery category
    Jamie Marsden, University of Leeds, et al

    As consumers look to reduce discretionary spending, one option available to them is to switch to lower priced copycat brands. Facing such financial constraints, this paper asks whether Generation Z might prefer these more value-orientated products. Through four focus groups participants were asked to compare competing confectionery products from both copycats and leader brands. By drawing on their own experiences and responding to the physical products, participants were asked to explain their preferences when buying such products. Three themes emerged from the analysis. Firstly, contextual convenience shaped the available options when buying snacks; second, taste was assigned the highest priority for such relatively low-cost items. This preference was dependent on prior experience with the products and therefore brand familiarity and trust. Third, price disparity became an influential factor for the more generic tasting products but less important for products that were considered more distinctive in their taste profiles. The implication of this research is that for these types of low-cost, emotional buys, the price advantage has to be meaningful for it to translate into a cost-driven decision. For copycat products, this means that the greater the price disparity and the more comparable the taste, the more they appeal. For leader brands, this study highlights the importance of maintaining the emphasis on preserving their distinctive taste and keeping prices relatively comparable with those of competitors to avoid conceding market share.
    Keywords: copycat packaging; look-alike brands; me-too brands; imitator brands; dupes

  • Media brand extension of tech conglomerates: The roles of parent brand loyalty, portfolio quality, perceived fit and feedback effects
    Hun Kim, Joongbu University, et al

    Tech conglomerates have launched many extension brands to enter the streaming media market. This paper analyses a study which examined the factors that affect these brand extensions from the perspectives of consumer attitude and perceptions. A total of 1,404 participants who reported having used parent brands were recruited for the study and were included in the final sample. Five hypotheses were tested using structural equation modelling analysis. Loyalty to the parent brand, variance in brand portfolio quality and perceived fit significantly influenced attitudes towards brand extensions. In addition, perceived fit and attitudes towards brand extensions positively reinforced consumer attitudes towards the parent brand. Finally, no difference was found with reference to the aforementioned factors when the more established streaming extensions were compared with the newer extensions of tech conglomerates. A unique aspect of the study is the structural validation of brand extensions by tech conglomerates. Further, the results of the study support the understanding of the importance of feedback effects and perceived fit in the brand area of tech conglomerates.
    Keywords: media brand extension; tech conglomerates; brand loyalty; feedback effects