“Business school professors need to ‘get real’ more often. Publishing work “…read only by a limited number of scholars…[with] often…little to no value to practicing mangers and leaders” won’t maintain our status and pay (J. Byrne in Poets & Quants, 2014). The Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions is an antidote we need.”
A culture of learning: Reinforcing a firm’s values, ethics and culture through building a learning environment in compliance
Abstract: As financial institutions globally try to resolve legacy conduct issues and rebuild trust with clients, recent congressional hearings showing senior banking executives being challenged on systematic misconduct within their banks are a stark reminder that work on organisational culture in the sector is as pressing now as at any point during the banking crisis of the last ten years. If positioned well in the organisation, compliance should be a culture-carrier and be present at those crucial moments when important decisions are being made. The authors share their experience in building the skills and capabilities required for compliance to ensure business is ‘complying with the spirit as well as the letter of prevailing regulation and law’. This paper will also explore what is required to advance towards a learning culture where learning and innovation happen organically and spontaneously rather than programmatically.
Keywords: values, ethics, culture, learning, development
Michael Roemer is currently the Group Head of Compliance for Barclays and has worked at the bank since joining as the Head of Barclays Internal Audit in 2012. He has a BS degree in Accounting from St John’s University and completed the Tuck Executive Programme at the Tuck School of Dartmouth College in 1998.
Mark Buckle is currently the Head of Learning for Compliance at Barclays – a role he took over in December 2015. Mark specialises in Learning & Development within Control Functions in the Financial Sector, performing that role most recently in Barclays Internal Audit and previously as an Audit Partner at the Royal Bank of Scotland Group and as Head of People Management for the audit function at Lloyds Banking Group during the transaction between Lloyds and HBOS. In his time at Barclays Mark has also focused on the Culture Agenda.