"Corporate Real Estate Journal is a valuable source for sharing best practices that are successfully employed by real estate leaders."
"Corporate Real Estate Journal is a valuable source for sharing best practices that are successfully employed by real estate leaders."
"A journal that meets the needs of practitioners, policymakers and academics"
"Airports are complex businesses and the demands they face – from meeting targets for growth while ensuring environmental compliance; from safety and security to keeping consumers satisfied – are becoming increasingly complex. Journal of Airport Management will brief you with some of the most insightful new thinking and latest best practice to help your airport stay ahead of the competition."
"I'm very pleased to be part of the editorial board for JDPP, which I think will bring together a fascinating collection of materials from legal analysis to broader commentary and in this way help all privacy professionals understand the law and shape good practice."
"Corporate Real Estate Journal is a definitive source for the latest research-based thinking and knowledge in corporate real estate. Everyone wanting to keep up with the latest thinking needs to include this journal within their regular learning."
"A cornucopia of stimulating thought pieces, making it a must read for anyone at the cutting edge of urban regeneration."
"I just got my hard copy of the Journal and the article in there on Industrial Control Systems cyber risk is excellent! Well done throughout, you are to be commended for setting the bar at such a high professional level in the inaugural issue."
"Digital banking has become a key priority in the industry, deserving a specific approach and this peer-reviewed journal."
"A valuable source of structured thinking for risk professionals throughout the financial sector. It enables risk teams to keep up to date with the latest analysis across all risk types and encourages cooperation and debate."