"Journal of Digital Media Management is the premier forum for professional and relevant discourse in digital media and content management featuring pertinent, credible and disciplined peer-review articles."
"Journal of Digital Media Management is the premier forum for professional and relevant discourse in digital media and content management featuring pertinent, credible and disciplined peer-review articles."
"Congrats on Journal of Brand Strategy. From the outset I liked the focus on real problems and real solutions. I especially like the case study section, there are so few outlets for this article type and it can be so useful."
"Corporate Real Estate Journal is a valuable source for sharing best practices that are successfully employed by real estate leaders."
"My ambition for the Journal of Data Protection & Privacy is for it to further develop the foundations, tools and methodologies for Privacy by Design, and to help getting them applied in practice."
“This journal provides valuable peer-reviewed practical business Ideas for industry leaders and academics,”
“Journal of Brand Strategy combines the latest information from leading academic thinkers together with best practice insights and expertise from branding professionals. Each article is quality controlled with a disciplined peer-review process to insure the Journal’s brand remains professional, credible and relevant. I look forward to each new edition.”
Applied Marketing Analytics has found just the right balance of practical and strategy articles that make it indispensable for those who work in this industry - especially those who manage data workers. A peer-reviewed journal is essential to the advancement of the digital analytics industry and Applied Marketing Analytics fills the bill intelligently.
"In a business environment of increasing trade volumes, increasing regulatory oversight, global consolidation and shrinking margins; access to innovative thinking on how to improve efficiency, cost and risk becomes ever more important. The fact that this Journal ensures all content is peer-reviewed by industry practitioners make it an essential source of information and best practice for all securities operations professionals.”
"A unique journal providing practical, applicable thought leadership"