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Volume 4 (2015-16)
Each volume of Journal of Building Survey, Appraisal & Valuation consists of four quarterly 100-page issues. The articles published so far in Volume 4 are as follows:
Volume 4 Number 4
Clipped wings: Investigating camera-carrying, unmanned aeroplane/drone technology: Its value in surveying those hard-to-reach parts of a building
Simon McLean, University of Salford and Editor, Journal of Building Survey Appraisal & Valuation -
Preparing traditional buildings for climate change
Jessica Hunnisett Snow, Senior Technical Officer Technical Research Unit, Historic Environment Scotland -
The Community Infrastructure Levy and the implications for surveyors
Luke Bennett, Planning Officer, the Planning Policy and Implementation team in Planning and Regeneration Services, Borough of Poole -
Dilapidations: Never mind quantum — what about liability?
Guy Fetherstonhaugh QC, Joint head of Falcon Chambers -
Defects in dilapidations: Engineering services
Stephen Lemmon, Partner, Malcolm Hollis LLP -
Darkness on the edge of town? -or- Is the calculation of consequential losses in dilapidations claims harder than it looks? Part 2
Nic Taggart, Barrister-at-Law, at Landmark Chambers -
Easement of support and the Party Wall Act: Misnomers and misunderstandings
Peyman Ghasemi, Director, PG Construction Consultants -
Professional indemnity and risk management for surveyors: An update
Emma Vigus, Howden Insurance Brokers and Rob Crossingham, Weigthmans LLP -
The variability of UK domestic energy assessments
Toby Gledhill, Founding Director, W-Y-P Gledhill Chartered Surveyors, et al
Volume 4 Number 3
An editorial review of the Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015
Simon McLean, University of Salford and Editor, Journal of Building Survey Appraisal & Valuation -
Planning and best practice guidance: A route map to help householders with their energy saving retrofits
Kate Watson, Housing Team Project Manager, Energy Service, Bristol City Council -
Solid wall insulation in traditional buildings
Nicholas Heath, Founding Director, NDM Heath -
Are all tourist dependent businesses meeting their statutory obligations and taking full advantage of the entire economic value of the tourist budget?
Simon McLean, University of Salford and Editor, Journal of Building Survey Appraisal & Valuation -
The misuse of Section 11(11) of the Party Wall etc Act to obtain money for adjoining owners
Mikael Rust, Director, Mikael Rust & Co -
The argument for retrofit
Noel Brosnan, Director of Asset Management, Octavia Housing -
Darkness on the edge of town? -or- Is the calculation of consequential losses in dilapidations claims harder than it looks?
Nic Taggart, Barrister-at-Law, Landmark Chambers -
Permitted development for new homes and householder extensions under the reissued General Permitted Development Order
David Bevan, Managing Director, HLF Planning -
Detecting problems with historic wallpapers and how to conserve, maintain and repair them
Allyson McDermott, historic interiors consultant -
The variability of UK domestic energy assessments
Toby Gledhill, Founding Director, W-Y-P Gledhill Chartered Surveyors, et al
Volume 4 Number 2
Correcting performance assumptions made about traditional buildings: The likely overestimation of energy use for traditional buildings based on standard models compared to measured examples
Caroline Rye, Co-Director, ArchiMetrics and Researcher, Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings -
Traditional buildings and sustainability approaches to estate-wide renovation
James Lloyd, Senior External Affairs Adviser, National Trust -
Guidance on how to minimise thermal bridging to deliver an efficient fabric
Lee Jackson, Head of Technical Services, Travis Perkins -
Demonstrating performance: The role and challenges of testing methodologies
Ray Williams, Principal Research Scientist, National Physical Laboratory -
Predicting energy use based on realistic assumptions on how buildings will be operated
David Cheshire, Regional Director, Sustainability, AECOM -
Lead sheet: Inspecting existing lead work, identifying problem areas, whether repair or renewal is required
Nigel Johnston, General Manager, Lead Sheet Association -
The Party Wall Act & Boundary Disputes; an uneasy co-existence, which may prove very costly
Peyman Ghasemi, Director, PG Construction Consultants -
To err is human... Negligence and how to avoid it
Mary Hodgson, Solicitor, Russell-Cooke -
Making development deliverable: Overcoming the hurdles of s106 obligations and the community infrastructure levy
Simon Coop, Planning Director, Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners -
Review of ‘Understanding Housing Defects’ – Fourth Edition by Duncan Marshall et al
Peter Trotman, BRE Associate
Volume 4 Number 1
Trust your instincts? The challenges of surveying historic buildings
Spencer Carroll, Director, Lighthouse Building Surveyors -
Flooding and risk avoidance for surveyors
David Gibbon, Director, GLM -
What is the proper measure of the expenses of making good under Section 7(2) of the Party Wall Etc. Act 1996?
Philip Harris, Partner and Head of Construction, Wright Hassall Solicitors -
Bridging the performance gap and quality output for new homes in the UK
Fanoula Ziouzia, Head of Corporate Development and Client Services, British Board of Agrément -
The role of the agreed surveyor and undue inconvenience to the adjoining owner
Peyman Ghasemi, Director, PG Construction Consultants -
ESOS: Implications for the energy audit industry
Tilly Shaw, Senior Associate, Sustain -
The practical application of BIM for refurbishment
Nick Blenkarn, Director, Severn Partnership -
Producing the business case for investment in energy efficiency
Andy Lewry, Principal Consultant, BRE -
Prefab [and preserve]: An investigation on retrofitting for Belfast’s Victorian terraced social housing
Kyle Oliver and Gehan Selim, Lecturer, Queen’s University Belfast -
Modelling building attributable risks from the built year: Results from Scottish Housing Condition Survey, 2009
Ivy Shiue, School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society, Heriot-Watt University and Nick Bearman, School of Environmental Sciences, University of Liverpool