“We want to create a space where data protection professionals across the world feel connected through the Journal of Data Protection & Privacy and our specialist interest group on LinkedIn. I also want to reach out and engage with the next generation of leaders in our profession and actively encourage them to share their knowledge and understanding of the subject for the benefit of our expanding – and highly influential – community across the world.”
Contact us
Please send all correspondence to the Journal Publisher:
Simon Beckett
Journal of Digital Media Management
Henry Stewart Publications
Ruskin House, 40/41 Museum Street
London WC1A 1LT, UK
Email: simon@hspublications.co.uk
Table of Contents
Featured Articles
Tom Haynes, Department Manager, Visual Asset Management, Chrysler
Brittan Dunham, Archive Director (private archive) and Candace Ming, Project Manager, Archivist, SSHMP
Stephanie Lemieux, President and Principal Consultant, Dovecot Studio and Romney Whitehead, Director, Borrowed Insight
Simon Beckett
First Published:
ISSN (print):
ISSN (web):
Table of Contents
Featured Articles
Tom Haynes, Department Manager, Visual Asset Management, Chrysler
Brittan Dunham, Archive Director (private archive) and Candace Ming, Project Manager, Archivist, SSHMP
Stephanie Lemieux, President and Principal Consultant, Dovecot Studio and Romney Whitehead, Director, Borrowed Insight
Simon Beckett
First Published:
ISSN (print):
ISSN (web):